Healer pt.4☆

158 5 1

Warnings: Panic attack, physical and emotional abuse, whipping, choking


last edit: 8/23/23

I can't think straight, the bright lights above me blinding me almost instantly. I squirm against whatever nonexistent restraints I'm in, my breathing quickly gaining speed.

I feel a hand grip mine, I grip onto their's hard, grounding myself in the feeling of their skin. Ice covers my whole body. As I watch periodically, Tony and Steve walk in, replacing the water with new ice cubes.

"Hey, Luna, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Can you try your best to answer them for me?" Banner asks, looking at a monitor.

I nod slowly after a few moments of hesitation, looking at the Spiderboy, whose hand had been interlocked with mine.

Banner rolls over, looking down at me, "What year is it?"

I don't answer, looking at Banner with lost eyes, hoping he just pities me and stops.

"Okay, it's okay. Are you in any pain?"

I nod, glad he's switched his line of questioning. I don't want to talk. I know the consequences.

"Can you rate your pain on a scale of one to ten?"

I look at Spiderboy and start to squeeze his covered hand, counting along in my head.

"N- Nine," he stutters.

"Has she spoken at all since you've seen her, Peter?" he asks, turning from me to Spiderboy.

So that's his name, Peter. Buck never knew, so I didn't either. Peter looks away from me and to the long hallway that Tony and Steve keep coming from, "Are we sure it's the right thing to keep him out of here?"

"Yes, Peter, I know it's seeming wrong, but I can't work with that many people in here, and you have information that I need. He was too unstable to come in right now. "

After hesitating, he finally answered. "She screamed once, but no. No."

"Okay," Banner whispered under his breath, rolling over to his desk.

I grip Peter's hand and try to pull myself up.

"Can I help?" I nod, and he places a hand on my lower back, I flinch and move away to the edge of the tub.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize," he quickly says, his eyes widening in fear.

I stay over to the right as Peter raises his hands and backs up from the tub, giving me my space. I move my hand out of the cold water, looking at the crimson blood crusted underneath my nails.

"Alright, Luna, your temperature is close enough to normal if you want to get out," Banner says, handing Peter a pair of crutches.

I stand up slowly, keeping my arms wrapped around my stomach. My bra and shorts are not doing much for me. Grabbing the crutches from the boy and adjusting them under my armpits, I lifted my left leg out of the tub and set myself down, looking at the boys for some kind of reassurance.

All at once, there is chaos ensuing from the hallway where Tony and Steve have been entering the med bay. I flinch and jump backward, crashing into a table of medical supplies. My hands clutch my knee, silent tears rolling down my face. It hurts so bad.

"Stop, you aren't supposed to go in there. There's already been too much in and out. "

I gasp for air, reaching for anything to make me feel the tiniest bit of relief. Peter is at my side, pulling supplies off of me and gently rubbing my arm. Banner ran to see the commotion in the hallway.

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