Adoran pt.1

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A/N: in this story you are sister to Thor and Loki. You fall for an asgardian man. Theres a twist so have fun ig.

tw: physical and verbal abuse (from Odin, not your bf)

I did make myself cry writing the end.

We escaped down the hallway, following my brother. I looked back to my boyfriend, his stupidly cute smile peeking out as we ran, my heels in his hands.

"Come on!" I giggled, feet pattering against the gold floors. One hand taking his and the other lifting the layers of my royal gown above my knees.

I followed brother out the door and onto the horses. Part of me knows this is wrong, that father will most definitely blame Loki for the dissapearance of us during this ball. Loki will most definitely be punished in Father's horrid ways.

I did tell him that we don't have to do this, Loki comes back from punishments bloodied and slashed, I- I don't want to be responsible. But he's so happy with his girl, this Asgardian woman makes him new.

So, I grabbed the reign feeling Adoran wrap his arms around me, holding onto my waist tight. I looked to my brother shooting him a smile as he held his dame close.


"Follow me!"

I laughed, yanking on the reigns, the horse galloping into fields, towards the woods. I felt Adoran tighten his grip as I leant forward, my braiding dancing through the wind as they fell from their pins.

It's like music, the drums of the horses, the laughs of the lovers, the strums of my heart beat pulling it all together into a rhythm. It's like a painting, the cerulean of the sky, the jade of the trees gaining on me, the ivory of the horses, and the beautiful olive and rose of Adoran's knuckles.

"To the left, between those trees" Loki pointed, the gold jewelry glinting in the moonlight.

I pulled and soon enough we were blasting through some kind of portal. Loki slowed and so did I, laughing and turning to Adoran, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It's delightful. You're beautiful" he murmured against my shoulder as the horse clopped slowly behind Loki's.

Soon enough Loki stopped, a glimmering hot spring in front of him. Hopping of his horse before lowering his maiden gently, taking her hand and kissing the knuckles with a soft look in his eye.

"Ooooh, Loki's taken a lover? My brother? No... It couldn't be" I teased, watching her giggle.

"It's not too hot?" she asked, pulling a piece of my brother's hair behind his ear. It's lovely, to see someone treat him with such kindness.

"For me? Yes. But for you it should be just fine" he responded, kissing her forehead while pulling a silver pin from her hair.

When I was pulled from my trance Adoran had hopped down from my horse and was holding a hand to me. I pulled my leg over the saddle, Adoran placed his hands on my hips and pulled me down, attaching his lips to mine in a spin.

"Adoran" I said in a haze looking up at the peasant boy. He smiled down at me with his big toothy grin, a spectacular blush rising to his cheeks.

I tapped his chest before backing up, pulling the glorious crimson dress up over my head and leaving me in the petticoat, the corset, and the slip covering my shoulders. Then I headed for the hotspring, slowly slipping in the steamy waters.

After a minute of stewing in the magnificent scenery, I watched as the woman Loki had told me about every waking moment of light, Mila, did the same as I and came into the hot spring. Brother sat on the edge, simply adoring Mila from the safety of the ground.

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