The Funvee pt. 2 🕶

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🚩 Warnings: hospital, ng-tube, vomiting, kidnapping, possible death, assault, SA

When I woke up I was in a hospital, finally, and Tony was laid on the couch next to the bed. Part of me was warmed by the gesture, the other part of me wanted to strangle him.

There are tubes running into my nose and on my arms and hands. I wanted to get up, maybe get a drink, so I took the oxygen out and then started to pull at a tube that was taped to my cheek. This one hurt, I could feel it in my throat and it made me gag and choke. But I kept going because I wanted to go outside, get water, go to my own bed. A hearty gag made Tony sit up and rub at his eyes, wincing as he scrunched.

Once he got a good look at my actions he panicked, "Hey! Hey! Stop that! All these need to stay in, but especially this one and this one." He tapped the one snaking its way into my nose.

I moved my shaky hands, swatting him away, tears starting to fall in pain. I coughed out the first thing I could of think that he would understand, "Dumbass."

Tony sighed in relief, eyes looking me over like I'm one of his projects. It kills me. "I'm going to go get the doctor, let them know you're awake."

"Stay." I said like a command. Following it up, "Just because I'm upset with you, doesn't mean I want to be alone, idiot." He nodded and sat back down on the couch, while I tried to sit up and let out a throaty groan. All this sound made me realize just how uncomfortably quiet Tony was being.

I finally sat up and whimper and yelped at the pain stabbing through my side. My hands held there like in protection.

My eyes followed where the tubes led, trying to uncover if I could even get up. I want water, to look in the mirror, maybe take a walk outside. My hand quickly covered my mouth and I felt vomit come up my throat.

It never came, my stomach just churned. Tony asked again, "Are you sure you don't want me to go get the doctor?"

"Tony, you know what I want? Not to be given over to the same terrorists who were going to assault me." His face dropped, skin went pale, eyes looked softer if that was even possible. All he did was adjust the blanket so it covered my feet and went and sat back down.

Medication lulled me to sleep, but still I felt restless.

~ ~ ~

The TV has a light hum, and I can barely hear the words, but as soon as I saw that Tony was gone I knew I was sure to see him on here.

He's crazy. An attention whore. He's going to go out there and milk what just happened to us till the last drop. Meanwhile I still can't eat on my own, g-tube climbing into my nose and down my throat.

"Ms. L/n? I'm here to take vitals. How are you feeling?" The nurse asked as they came in, moving around my machines and checking numbers. I gave them my hand to put the little finger pincher on.

"I'm still really tired. I'd like to get out of here and go home. Miss my own bed."

"Everyone does. Good news is you're doing a lot better so I will see about talking to the doctor about taking this out." She said while adjusting the machine that controlled the food going into me.

"I'd appreciate that."

The nurse nodded and then stopped, looking, staring at the TV. I saw who it was and turned it up. Anthony Stark. I'm suprised he knows how to call a press conference without my help.

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