The Hidden One 🐍

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It's been pouring for hours. And I don't know how much farther I can make it. The skin on my feet has gone numb. My teeth are chattering.

The light is getting closer and closer, and I just keep pulling together a little bit more willpower to make it there. Just a little bit further. I don't know if I can.

Fear running through my veins to push me just that last bit. But when I fell forward and onto his steps, I couldn't get up again. Settling into the wet wood.

Rain pittering on my back till it fizzled out. The sky was a different kind of blue. It was nostalgic and almost made me want to roll onto my side and sleep.

They'd bring me back there, and I'd probably get punished for running away. I'm already scared they are going to hurt the others. I'm so scared. Either way, I might be in trouble.

"Good morning, little one. Did they send you to unearth the monster?"

He's hidden from them for years now. If Wanda hadn't confided in me, I would've never known.

"What? Are you mute?"

"No." It was so soft. Barely a whisper.

"Wait. Look at me." His voice was stern. The serpent. He could easily kill me just like Captain.

Slowly, I turned my nose to the sky. Not even opening my eyes, but instead soaking in the misty wind. When he grabbed my face, I winced, letting him move me however he wanted. I was used to the manhandling.

"You are just a child."

"Im 23."

"You're hurt. In more ways than one." He looked around. "How long have you been out here?"

"I don't know."

The God huffed, "Alright, you may come inside, but don't try anything. I'll have you in your place in an instant."

"Thank you, sir."


~ ~ ~

The kitchen was neat and tidy, but the seat he sat me in was uncomfortable. Hard and creaky. Not to mention, my clothes were seared into my skin, going from soaking wet to dry in the time I sat on his steps.

Still, he worked quietly on something at the cutting board while I picked at my fingers. The serpent had a way about him. His movements flowed, and it all looked smooth. He dressed as clean as his kitchen, and his shirt was pressed and folded neatly.

I was so busy looking at him to realize that he had set a bowl in front of me. Full of cut-up and cooked meat, as well as bread. It was an odd meal, but I couldn't be anything but grateful.

He set another across from me and sat down. Captain would've never let me do this.

His piercing green eyes sharpened as I sat still, "What are you waiting for? Eat. I promise it's not poisoned."

"I don't have anything to give you in return."

"Once you eat, we can talk."

"Yes, sir." I murmured as I took the fork and started pecking at the tender pork. When I put it in my mouth, I had to hold back a little moan at the tenderness and juiciness of the meal.

The bread was soft and delicate. Perfectly paired with the meat. My mind wondered when I last had a full meal like this. Sitting down and enjoying it.

Every once in a while, Loki would peer over at me, watching me eat in silence. I wiped my mouth with my hand and looked away. His demeanor was so intimidating, and I know I'm a mess.

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