Chapter 8 - Director

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A short chapter, but Im working on one to go between this one and the one before it. Just to connect the events.

Thanks for the support.

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Handler led us down the hall, Winter and I stealing looks at each other and nodding at odd things in the halls. We've both never been this way before.

With a guiding hand on my back, Handler led me and Winter into a room with three chairs and told us to sit and wait. We obeyed.

With both of our masks on, I thought me made a mistake. Our last mission went well, we didn't even have any witnesses to kill. My mind cycled through everything we have kept secret: my memory, his memory, that night on my first mission, the necklace, and most importantly these growing feelings.

When the door opened both of our heads turned. Id never seen this man and he didnt wear the same uniform as the soldiers in the lowest ring of HYDRA.

But Winter flinched and his eyes automatically dropped to the floor. The man sat across from the two of us, and as much as I tried to force a facade of strength, Winter's reaction was throwing me.

"Winter, calm down, you're scaring the guest."

My head turned to the man, waiting for what he was going to say.

"Sit down, Summer."

I listened. After his outburst I know I need to take this man seriously. I've never seen Winter show an ounce of fear, except for when I had been shot for the first time. This slimy man must hold power.

He stood up and started to walk around us. It felt oddly familiar. As he moved behind us, we kept our heads forward. "Project Summer is complete. It's time to move on to a new project."

His mouth was right beside my ear, "Project Genesis has been in play since your time with Dreykov."

My brows furrowed. I shouldn't know about Dreykov. In HYDRA's mind I forgot about them long ago.

"We have waited too long for you two. My hope was that you would hurry and fill her up." He spoke to my Soldat as he snapped of his mask but left mine.

"You were difficult to train, and so was Summer, despite her earlier conditioning. Yet still those weapons jam. Both of you. We see your small rebellions."

He moved behind me and I felt his hands land on my neck, "If we can make a weapon, and have them from the very beginning. When they are still pliable, naive, obedient." His tounge snapped on the last word.

He snaked around to my front and his hand waved to Winter and then drew a line from under my chest to right above my waistband. My head twisted to Soldat which gave me enough strength to make not make a move in defense.

"Every month she bleeds, both of you will be punished." My eyes went white and my muscles strained against invisible restraints.

He cupped me between my thighs while looking at Winter, "I trust you'll make good of this."

"Stop touching her." Winter fought, but we both knew he couldn't put up a real fight. Not against him.

He pulled his hand away and stepped back, I let out a gasping breath. Why couldn't I move?! I knew I was breathing hard, even if I couldn't hear it.

"You will have the same quarters, all of your things have been moved or confiscated. You're dismissed."

Winter scrambled over to me as the door shut, checking me over, and wiping wetness from my cheek. I was so out of it, trying to process everything that just happened or was said.

"I- I can't do this."

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