Authors note.

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Authors note

Thank you for clicking on this story , let me know if you like it,please leave a comment if you do 😁thanks.

There will be kids in this story if you didn't already guess so if you don't like them then this ain't the story for you.

You can Imagine the charters however you like but I'll leave a description blow

My grammar and spelling is shit so just be warned.

There will also be swearing,abuse in the beginning ,violence and maybe mature content if the story does good so if any of theses triggers you,you might Want to click off.

Also it's fast paced so if you don't like it then don't read it.

The chapter are short in the beginning which I didn't realise as a new author until later on but they do get a lot longer

22 years old
Brown hair
3 year old daughter
Shy,loves to read,loves to bake

3 years old
Brown hair
Loud,cute,bossy,loves to talk,loves food

25 years
Black hair
Closed off,bossy,loves training in the gym,only likes his family

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