Chapter 20

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Mollys pov

He's been gone for two weeks and I hate it,Blake has been non stop asking about him and he's not been able to call and text all the time which is fine.

Whilst he had been gone I've seen my parents and brother a lot which is nice.Enzo mother,father,sister and two brothers came round they said that the other brother is with enzo but the rest of my time was just filled with working at the library and watching films with Blake.

Me and Blake are currently sat decorating cookies in the kitchen when the door opened "I'm home" Blake shot out of her seat and sprinted to enzo,I put down all the cookie stuff and rushed to meet him.

When he saw me he shot up asked Blake to go and find a movie,she rushed of. As soon as she did he came over to me and to my surprise lifted my chin up and kissed me deeply and I returned it back,he put a hand on my waist and the other was holding the back of my neck.

He moved his hand down to my thighs and told me to jump so I did and he resumed kissing me taking me and took me to the kitchen,sitting me on the counter "la Mia Bella ragazza"  
(My beautiful girl) I pouted at him "hey no fair English please" He laughed "sorry"
"It's ok."

He picked me back up and took me to the front room where Blake was lay "right I've got gift"

Blake was buzzing he had got her a monkey teddy bear which she had been asking me for for ages and I couldn't find one,for me he got some Italian chocolate and man was it good.

Enzos pov

it was so good to see my two girls again.after I gave them their gifts we went back into the kitchen so they could decorate their cookies,then we decided to play guess who,me and Blake won which molly left claiming that we cheated which made me laugh and then I made chicken,chips and veg for tea.

I had another surprise for molly she had told me that she liked reading the other week and I have a library,I got my sister to get loads of different books to fill the gaps and I was planning on showing it to her after Blake went to bed.

"Blake's fell asleep im going to put her to bed" Molly said to me as she stood up with Blake in her arms "ok but come back down once you are done" she smiled "ok"

"Right I'm back" she said and sat next to me on the couch "right stand up and come with me" I said to her grabbing her hand "Erm enzo why" she looked at me a bit reluctant "just come with me and you will see" she stood up, I put one of my hand on her waist and lead her to the door.

"ok close your eyes" she closed her eyes and I opened the door "ok open them" a small gasp escaped her lips "omg enzo" I smiled at her "it's all your" she looked even more surprised "no way" I laughed "Yes way" a tear escaped her eye and I just pulled her into my chest "thank you" she repeated over and over to me "tersoro don't thank me"

She looked up at me grabbed my face to kiss me so I kissed her back, put my hands on her waist and she jumped up, I put my hands under her arse and moved through the library until I reached one of the couches.

I softly laid her down,pulled her top off and went back to kissing her as she reached for mine my phone rang I let out a small groan but decided to ignore it and went back to kissing her until she pulled away when it rang again "I think you should answer that",I huffed as it stoped then rang again so I got up from over her and grabbed my phone were the name showed it's papa.(bold enzo normal papa)

"Dad is it important I'm kinda busy" I said to him as I made my way back to the couch where I sat Molly in my lap.
"Son you never rang me after Italy I want to know how it went"
"Can I ring you later"
"Actually why don't you come down to the house, I wanna know how your brother held up"
"I can't Luca did good,didn't expect anything less"
"Ok, also you mother wants me to invite molly,Blake and her family around for tea next Saturday"
"Dad I haven't even met them yet hold your horse"
"Well you can deliver the news to you mother then"
"Right yes I will do I'm going bye"

I ended the phone before he could answer back and looked at molly straddling me I rested my head on her chest and she stroked my hair "who was that" she asked me,so I lifted my head up and looked at her "just my dad" she smiled reached over grabbed her t-shirt and put it back on that made me let out an annoyed whine and pull her closer to me by her hips.

"What did he want" she questioned "he wanted to ask me about Italy also asked me to ask you to invite your family round for tea next Saturday",today is Saturday so it would be in a weeks time "but I told him to calm it because I haven't meet them yet."

Molly smiled a cheeky grin "Yeah about that" I looked at her with a sceptical look on my face "Yeah"  she cleared her throat "my dads and brother wants to meet you" I froze for a second thinking about all possibilities there was "Yeah um when"

she held my face in her palm and leaned to give me a quick peck on the lips "Thursday,you don't have to if you don't want to,I mean we aren't even dating" she stood up quickly "actual forget I said anything" before she could rush out I stood up and grabbed her hips "hey,hey stop over thinking it of course I want to meet them, and I mean this isn't how I wanted to do this but tersoro"

I took a deep breath and looked at her face "Will you be my girlfriend" she stared for a minute froze then a big smile came on her faced "Yes I will be" i Leaned down and kissed her "come on let's get to bed"

When she slipped in I pulled her to me and held her tight "molly do they know my job"
She laughed "well apparently everybody except me knows who you are by your name, I mean they weren't happy at first especially after last events but they warmed up to it after they heard how much Blake loves you" I smiled and kissed her cheek

"Goodnight tersoro" she came closer to me and closed her eyes "goodnight enzo"

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