Chapter 37

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Mollys pov

We are currently sat in the front room daisy was curled into my side, the other day she told me all about her family and how much she misses them she also told me about what happens, let's just say there was a lot of tears.

The reason we are sat in the front room was because Daisy's family was coming,she was happy but nervous she had not seen them since her 16th birthday,a knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts, "daisy,sweetheart they are here" her head shot up and a man,a woman,a girl about 12 and two little twin boys walked in daisy shot up and ran toward them and hugged them.

They started crying,"oh daisy" the woman spoke. They spent some time speaking but the family had to get home because of the little ones "daisy would you like to come back with us your room is still the same" I could tell she wanted to,but she turned around and looked at me like I was going to stop her,so I just nodded my head at her and smiled.

"Yeah" she told them and they all smiled,daisy came up to me and hugged me "thank you so much" she whisper in my ear "don't thank me" I knew we was going to see each other again,we got her a phone a few days ago and we both get along really well "ring me ok" she smiled "of course".

Enzo walked into the room and daisy went up to him and hugged him slightly,they both look uncomfortable but never the less she thank him, he cleared him throat "before you go,there is a house 2 minutes away from here and 5 minutes away from your parents house,it's yours for when you feel like you can live on your own and also" he handed over a bank car and some papers "this is yours that should last you and who ever else  for a few years,then it will be topped up" he said to her,he has a good heart,he brought it up last night that he had got it all ready for her,he makes me proud everyday.

She started crying "I can't take this" she said "daisy money isn't a problem for us and I'm so very thankful for that,you don't need to worry ok it yours now keep it" she smiled "thank you so much"

"Also they know about the baby,and I'm keeping it" she said,I think she clarified this because of what enzo said about the money "I'm so proud of you,but you know you would still be loved for choosing any option" she smiled "I know,right I will text you"

She walked into the arms of her family,smiled at us then walked out.

I turned around to him and kissed him "I love you" I told him "I love you" he replied back, Blake made her way into the front room and attached herself to enzos leg,he picked her up so she could join in the hug,definitely a daddy's girl.

Suddenly I gasped "Enzo" I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach,the baby is kicking "omg" I got a bit tearful this wasn't the first time baby had kicked but I always get so emotional over it and I normally go and sit in the nursery we have decorated for the baby.

Enzo has gone full out and definitely got to much but he doesn't listen.

A voice interrupted my thoughts "Can we have chicken nuggets."

Authors note

I'm sad to say,but there is only a few more chapters of her saviour.
.......but there will be a surprise at the end❤️

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