Chapter 13

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Mollys pov

Wow I knew he was rich but dam he's rich rich.

I jumped out of the car and started walking to the front door with Blake and enzo,"right you can put On the tv or have a look around it's up to you whilst I go take a shower,but don't go down into the basement"

Blake ran off into the front room whilst I hung back "what's in the basement" I know I said I wanted to be kept out of it but you can't say don't go somewhere and expect me not to be interested "it's just where I train so there's some knifes and stuff down there I'll show you another day just don't want Blake seeing that" I smiled "ok" he kissed my fore head and walked upstairs.

"Mommy this is so cool look at it" she points to the massive tv,that has got to be like 32 inch "Yeah it's very cool,what do you want me to put on" she told me "power rangers"
and we sat there waiting for enzo.

"Having fun" enzo asked us as he appeared around the corner "Yep" Blake said to him, I turned my head around to see him in grey sweatpants and a white top "right what do you want to eat" Blake thought for a moment then spoke up "pasta" he gave her a grin "well I can certainly do that for you,do you want to help me"
"Yes,yes,yes please" he laughed and looked at me "you coming molly"
"Yeah" he grabbed my hand in his and lead me to the kitchen.

His kitchen is modern and has a sleek look to it,marble counters,charcoal grey painted walls,it was nice. We spent the next 20 minutes making pasta, Blake loved it she felt like a chef and it was nice spending some time with them "right taste test Molly how is it"
I took a bite of the paste "mmm this is amazing" Blake and him both smiled "you think"
"Yep definitely".

Like mother like daughter they say me and Blake has both spilt pasta all down us, "you can both wear one of my t-shirts and I'll throw yours in the wash"
"Ok thanks you" I said to him he picked up Blake and lead us up stairs to his bead room.

it felt a bit weird being stood in him room again it was sleek with Black silk bedsheets,tall windows with long expensive looking curtains to go with it "right here we go two t-shirts I've got the smallest ones I could find" they looked massive "thank you"
"I'll go outside of the room so you can get dressed shout me when your ready"

I put on the t-shirt and it was massive, it went down to just above my knee and for Blake it was all the way down to the floor. It smelt like him,this for some reason brings me comfort "we're done" he opened the door slowly and his eyes landed straight into mine an unfamiliar look clouded his eyes,he swallowed hard and quickly diverted his eyes to look somewhere else,well that was weird.

"Do you want to watch a film" he asked us both "Yeah,your tv is massive" I think Blake was in love with the tv "well let me show you something even better" I looked at him and he smiled "come on"

Blake slowly followed behind but stoped and huffed he turned around to look at her then got down in front of her "what wrong Blake" she just lifted her arms to him as if signalling for him to pick her up,he chuckled and grabbed her we started walking again but she decided she wasn't finished "and also it's princess not Blake" me and enzo started laughing "I am so sorry princess I'll remember that for next time" he smiled at her "okay" she then rested her head on his shoulder whilst he grabbed my hand.

He lead us downstairs and round the corner to a door that he swung open "omg" this time it came from me and not Blake it was a cinema room it had the chairs and everything "right what film do you want to watch" me and Blake just looked at each other and said "dirty dancing" yes she is 3 and yes her favourite movie is dirty dancing and I would be disappointed if it was anything else.

I mean she hasn't watch many film I tried to show her some on the tv back at Jeff place but I couldn't show her loads.

"Ok dirty dancing it is"

We all sat down on the cinema chairs, enzo in the middle and me and Blake on either side. Somewhere throughout the film I must of fell asleep because I woke up to Blake sat in enzos Lap asleep,my head on enzos shoulder and his arm around us both, I debated whether I should wake him up or not but before I could decide his eyes fluttered open.

He looked at me and muttered "Molly" I didn't want to wake Blake up so I whispered to him "Yeah"
"Do you want to stay here,I can take Blake to a spare room or do you want me to take you back"
"I don't mind stay" he just nodded and grabbed Blake in his arms "stay her I'll be back in a second" I wasn't about to protest I was so tired I don't think I could even walk" about 2 minutes later he returned

"I put Blake in the room next to mine" I just nodded he walked over to me and scooped me up in his arms "what room do you want to sleep in mine,Blake's or you can pick another one" I thought for a minute and I was probably going to regret this in the morning but "yours" he didn't say anything after that and just lead us up stairs. I was knocked out by the time he got to putting me down in the bed and climbing in himself.

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