Chapter 40

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Mollys pov

To be honest I didn't really know what to expect,the last time I gave birth it was on a cold bathroom floor,in a beat up apartment with my abuser sat in the front room fucking another woman and on top of this I was trying to keep quite, I did it all on my own, this time I have an amazing fiancé next to me and a great medical team to help me honestly I couldn't be more thankful.

"Ok molly we need you to push now" ok molly we can do this I said to myself grabbing enzos hand.

"OMGGGGGGGGGG" i screamed on the first push, "come on molly you can do it" enzo said to me "don't call me molly that isn't my name to youuu" I said "sorry tersoro"

"Ok molly I need you to keep pushing I can see the head" I took a deep breath and pushed "get them out" I cried, Jez why did I willing have another child.

"ENZO YOU FUCKING PRICK,YOU BETTER KEEP YOU DICK AWAY FROM ME FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE" I shouted at him whilst pushing, I know it takes two to tango but he is going to take this abuse whilst I'm pushing our child out.

"I know tersoro I'm sorry" he said whilst brushing my hair out of my face,but I could tell he was trying not to laugh... prick.

"Take a deep breath for me molly" the doctor said "do you not think I'm doing that" I replied back, I know I'm being a bitch but I'm allowed to be I'm pushing out a child.

"I know you said you wanted 4 or 6 kids enzo but your not getting that out of me" all the doctors and nurses chuckled at this until I gave them a death stare "a few more pushes molly your nearly there"

"Your doing so good tersoro,so good" I pushed again,tears dripped down my face I was in agony "get it out of me" I cried.

"ENZO" I cried again hoping that somehow it would get rid of the pain "OH YOUR ARE A FUCKING BELLEND" i resorted to insulting him and honestly it did dull the pain a little, if we have anymore children I will make sure to call him all the names in the book.

"Nearly there" he whispered and suddenly I heard a loud cry.

"It's a boy" the doctor said,a bright smile was on both of mine and enzos face the doctor put the baby on my chest, "what are you calling him" the doctor questioned.

We both looked at each other "Xavier james Marion" we both said.I chose the middle name, I wanted him to have that middle name after James after the man who helped me,who gave me a job and gave me a chance at life for we and blake,which led me to me being in this position with enzo.

They took him of my chest and clean him up,when he was put back on my chest, Blake also came in and she was mesmerised by him.enzo came round to my side Xavier was on my chest and Blake was sat on the bed next to me,I looked into enzos eyes and right then I knew

He is my saviour.

Authors note

I'm literally crying 😭 this is the end of her saviour, I am so grateful for everybody who has been reading and I love you all.❤️

But is this the complete end?

I don't know you will have to wait and see in the authors note after this.

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