Chapter 1

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Mollys pov

I couldn't take it anymore my ribs were burning and blood was dripping from my nose, he had just beat me again,luckily Blake was asleep in her bed but I knew I couldn't stay here and it was time to escape not for my sake but for Blake's. I had accumulated enough money over the years to get us out of here and to a hotel for a bit, so I pulled myself of the floor and grabbed a small bag I shoved everything in there the small amount of stuff I had and Blake's. I grabbed the money That i had hidden and rushed to Blake's room.

"Blake baby wake up we need to go" I said as I gently shook her awake she open her eyes and I picked her up it was painful but I pushed through it.
"What's going on mommy I'm tired"
"I know baby I know but I'm going to get us out of here ok"
"Ok good because I don't like it when that mean man hurts you"she said with a small tear rolling down her face before she fell back to sleep on my shoulder,that broke my heart as much as I tired to hide it from her it was getting really hard as she got older, she was to clever for her own good, not child should ever have to see that or hear it.

I pulled open the door of the run down apartment and made a run for it I could not mess this up if he caught me it would mean death and a brutal torturing for my baby and I was not about to let that happen. So I got to one of the hotels that wasn't to close to close to the apartment,paid and went up stairs to the room it only had a double bed for us but it was better than nothing I put Blake down on the bed and climbed in next to her and held on tight.I wanted to give her good life;I knew this was going to be hard maybe impossible but I was going try and I was going to try hard.

maybe I will be sent a saviour.

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