Chapter 10

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Enzo pov

I was shitting it,I was going to tell her I'm the boss of the Italian mafia, I have no idea how she is going to react but I'm not about to loose her over this.

Once I gathered up the courage I made my way up to the hotel room. There she was sat on the bed "Enzo are you ok like seriously"
"Yeah I just, I don't know how you going to react but will you please let me tell you everything before you ask questions, I will answer them all after ok"
"Erm Yeah ok" she looked really confused

"Right ok so I'm just going to say it,I'm the boss of the Italian mafia the strongest around,I didn't lie to you before I do own a few different companies,please do not be scared of me you and Blake are the last people in the whole entire world who should be scared of me and I didn't want to keep on not telling you the full truth,also if you decide you Would like to come to that event on Friday that i would have to tell you soon."

She just looked at me not saying anything "molly please say something"
"I have a few questions" she said to me
"Ok yeah that's fine go ahead"
"Do you sex traffic woman and children?"
"No absolutely not we don't hurt woman and child that's not our thing"
"Ok well then what else's is your thing"
"Drug,weapons them kind of things"
"So you murder people"
"Yeah but not for the fun of it only when need" she then stayed silent for a while I could see the wheels spinning in her head.
"I know you don't but what about the men that work for you Is that something you allow them to do, I know you don't control them but you know what I mean"
"No they would be killed if I found out that"
"Ok, I know you said you won't hurt me or Blake but enzo how can I be sure,being violent is obviously in you nature" and just so quietly I heard her say "I won't be put back in that situation again"

I was going to ask her about her past but I wanted her to tell me when she is comfortable.

"Yeah being violent is my job but I also I have a family molly a loving one I didn't grow up being a monster to everybody,that is only my job.I promise you I will never and I mean never hurt you or Blake, nobody is going to hurt you again,not without me getting involved"  she didn't say anything to me just moved closer and put her head on my shoulder "keep me and Blake out of it ok"

I told her to relax and that I will go get Blake for her, she told me the number of james hotel room.

Knock,knock just before I went in for the 3rd knock the door flew open and James was stood there "Erm mr Marino what are you doing here" before I could reply Blake came flying around the corner "Enzo"
"Hey princess we gonna go back now your mommy's waiting"
"Yep let me get my shoes" I looked back at James and he seemed to connect the dots
"You take care of them ok,they haven't been taken care of before"
"I will don't you worry about that" I replied back to him
"Ok I'm here"
"Alright come on princess" she grabbed my hand,shouted bye to jame and lead me down to the room.

"Yes princess"
"Do you like my mommy"
"Yes I do very much"
"Can you take care of her then"
"I will take good care of both of you" she stoped me
"You promise because I really don't want to ever go back to that bad man,mommy thought I didn't hear but I don't like her crying" right then and there I was filled with rage and my heart also broke for the two of them.
"I'm not fully aware of what went on princess but I'm never letting you go back there ok" her face filled with a smile and she just hugged me tight and we carried on to the hotel room.

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