Chapter 25

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Authors note-please be aware there is a small mention of rape and violence in this chapter as molly gives us a small recap of a horrible time in the past.

Mollys pov

This past month has been great nothing but smiles, my family and enzos family get along great,me and Bella are best friends and she's like my little sister, Blake has become the biggest daddy's girl there is and me and Enzo are doing great, he treats me so well and I couldn't ask for anything better.

Last week I told enzo about what happened to me with Jeff, my ex boyfriend and Blake's biological dad if you could even call him that.

I told him about the beating for the smallest of things like for breathing to loud or dropping a glass, he held me whilst I cried but I think the worst part was when I told him about how Blake made it into this world.

I love Blake so much and she's the only good thing that came from the piece of shit but how she was made was not with love,she was made with force,angry words and violence.

I remember that night so clearly I mean it was not the first time he had made me have sex with him without my consent,but that time there was just a fuse that kept him going that made him stay inside of me instead of pulling out, that made him laugh in my face and leave me on the bathroom floor in immense pain.

Enzo was fuming and wanted to kill him and I have no doubt that he will one day but he still kept it together for me that day.

"Tersoro Blake is asking about that Christmas tree when are we getting it" enzo said as he walked into the library, it's December the 3rd and that's all Blake cares about really.

"We will get it in a week or so I don't want it going weird by the time Christmas actual comes" I said to him as he walked up to me picked me up like I was a Koala "What are you doing" I question him.

"Well Blake wants to tell us her Christmas list" I giggled if you couldn't tell Blake's favourite time of the year is Christmas and her birthday "do you know what she wants" I asked enzo.

"Nope but I'm sure we will find out" he replied back, as we entered the front room Blake was sat on a chair in front of the couch with a list on her lap and her arms crossed "sit down" she said to us,well she definitely takes after her dad I thought to myself.

"So are you guys ready for my list, there is one VERY important one that I would not mind throwing everything off my list for" she said to us, that made me confused I wouldn't think something would be so important for her.

"Ok here it is"
"1.harry styles and Louis Tomlinson blanket"
"3.teddy bear"
"4.dressing gown and slippers"

She spent some time listing of the rest of her list

"Ok now for the big one that I really,really want and need" she said,I bet it's like a iPad  or something I thought I myself.

"A brother or a sister" she said with a big smile on her face,I looked at her shocked, I mean of course she doesn't know how baby's are made and of course I would want another child but me and enzo haven't even got there yet I mean we have tried but every time we got interrupted by a knock on the door or a phone call.

Before I went to answer enzo spoke up "I would love that to" he said with a cheeky smirk on him face "Well Blake we will have to see" I said to her and she smiled "that means yes" she jumped of the chair and ran up to her room, enzo just turned and looked at me with a smirk "a sibling Ay" I laughed "that's what she asked for"

He pulled me from where I was sitting and into his lap "I don't know about you but I heard that children work better with siblings" he said whilst kissing my neck "do they now" I question him "Yep" he replied back with a small chuckle "well we will have to see what we can do" I said to him as I jumped of his lap running to find Blake in her room.

We had done up Blake's room,she had full control of what she wanted to do with it and she wanted it Black with Ninja sword on the shelf, I had to compromise with her because knowing Blake she would hurt herself so now she has a black and white room with boxing gloves hung up and a book shelf,she is definitely taking after her dad.

"Hey mommy" Blake yelled to me whilst jumping up and down on her bed "Blake Martin get your butt down before you break the bed" I said to her as she jumped down and walked over to me and hugged me tightly "are you ok Blake" I asked her "Yep just making sure your belly is nice and warm for my new sibling when the magic person gives you the seed, I wouldn't want them to be cold" she said with a smile.

I didn't know if I could promise her a sibling and I didn't want to disappoint her because I have never seen her want something more in my life "Blake baby what about a pet" I said to her hoping she would take my compromise "no I'm ok, I want to be a big sister" I got down on my knees so I was facing her "I can't promise you that baby" she looked at me with an unclear expression on her face "ok but I know you will try".

I chuckled and gave her a hug "right shall we get you in the bath then" she giggled and ran off to the bathroom.

Authors note

This is for anybody who has been through any type of abuse or r@pe 
whether that be sexual,physical,emotional abuse, you are loved and I'm so proud of you for being here no matter what anybody else says.❤️

And never let anybody tell you your trauma is invalid because other people have it worse and never let yourself think that either❤️

My messages are always open if you need to talk❤️

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