Chapter 11

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Mollys pov

Hey molly I've had to go to Italy I'll be back on Wednesday.text me if you need me x

It's currently Sunday morning and I need to get ready for work. yesterday after enzo told me about his job he stayed for awhile playing with Blake then had to leave but it was ok, I needed that time to think a bit,obviously it's a bit weirded knowing he runs the mafia but he has never hurt me or Blake and that's the most Important thing.

As we entered the library James came around the corner to greet us,as he was hugging Blake he looked at me with a smirk on his face "and how are you molly had a fun weekend" I looked at him funny what is he going on about "Yeah I had a good weekend and sorry I forgot to thank yo-".

Shit he knows, enzo picked her up that is why he is looking at me funny! He chuckled at me "be careful, anyways Blake shall me and you draw today" she nodded to him and just ran off to grab the colours "I need you to re organise the whole of the romance shelf's, it obviously more than a one day job but I'll just give you a list on what to organise it by" whilst he was grabbing his list my phone beeped.

You ok?

That reminded me that I hadn't text him back yet so I sent him a quick Yeah back before James came back out with the list "right there you are,don't rush it and don't worry about how much you get done"

About 4 hours later I had got done 5 rows of one of the bookshelf's, I was about to start the next row when a voice interrupted me "excuses me if your not too busy would you help me find a book I'm looking for,James said you wouldn't mind helping" I turned around and saw two gorgeous woman stood there but for some reason they looked a bit familiar "yeah what book are you looking for" I smiled at her "it's a new book so it won't be around here and you might not even have it,it's all Rhodes lead here by Mariana zapata"

I stood up from of the floor and started walking around to where it should be "here it is all Rhodes lead here by Mariana zapata" they both smiled at me the younger girl who had asked for it spoke "thank you so much" I smiled "your welcome do you need help with anything else"

she replied back no but spoke up again "I'm sorry, is your name molly"
"Erm Yeah do I know you" they both smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen in my life
"Omg you are so pretty, I'm enzo sister and this is his mum" well I didn't expect that
"Oh erm hi it's nice to meet you" I was shitting myself if you couldn't tell, this time his mum spoke up "oh my he said you were very pretty but your are stunning" after she finished she leaned over and gave me a hug, I was not a big hugger so this was weird, just as she pulled away Blake come flying around the corner.

"mommy,mommy look at this picture I made it's beautiful" as she finished she jumped into my arms not even seeing the two woman stood in front of me she was that excited "oh wow this is beautiful" and as she was about to explain the picture she saw the two women stood there.

"oh hello,sorry I didn't see you there" the two girls smiled at her "This is enzo's mommy and sister"
"Ohhh, your pretty"she said to them "thank you and your so cute,you know enzo speaks about you and your mommy all the time" his mum said to Blake
"Really well I mean not very surprising I'm fantastic and he really likes mommy" we all just laugh I loved her confidence.

"well you definitely are fantastic,what did you draw on your picture" his mum said to Blake "well I drew me,mommy and enzo" they smiled even brighter "I am sure he will love that" Blake just laughed "well obviously I drew it and he likes me" she said with a big grin on her face.

"Ok well we have to go now,it was nice meeting you Blake and you too molly" enzos sister said "it was nice meeting you to both,bye" they said bye to me and Blake then walked off.

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