Chapter 23

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Enzos pov

Molly has been a bit of with me and I don't know why,it's Saturday morning and I'm just finishing up in the gym when I heard the door open and saw molly stood there "hey sorry I couldn't find you" I smiled to her and unwrapped my hands "that's fine just finishing up" she replied back ok and made her way up the basement stairs.

I took a quick shower got dressed into some grey sweat pants a white T-shirt and a Black hoodie,I made my down stairs to see molly sat at the kitchen table,it's kind of like she has moved in and I'm glad because I don't like her staying at that shit hole.

"Blake still asleep" I questioned molly "Yeah" There is definitely something up "tersoro what is wrong you have been off with me for the past two day,tell me what's wrong" quickly she replied back with "nothings wrong don't worry" I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the fridge.

"Don't lie to me tersoro,if you don't want to tell me fine but don't lie" I tuned back around to face her "it's not that I'm just, uh I just don't know how you will react" she replied to me avoiding eye contact with me "Well you will never know how I'm going to react if you don't ask me"

She adjusted herself in her seat and looked up at me "I don't expect anything out of it,and please don't say something just because you feel like you have to" I'm so confused
"Molly just tell me" she took a deep breath "Blake asked me the other day if because we are dating can you be her dad and that she really wants you to be"

Well that's not what I expect at all,I stood in silence for a minute just thinking,just as molly went to talk again I cut her off "I would love that" she looked up at me in surprise as I carried on "molly I already feel like Blake is my daughter I love her to bits,obviously this isn't just my choice your her mum after all but I would love nothing more that to be her dad,would you be ok with that?"

Molly stared at me in shock, as a tear slipped down her face I was worried for a second that I had over stepped until she grabbed my face and kissed me "Yes I would be ok with that,she need a dad,somebody to care for her I know you will" I smiled Bigger than I ever had before.

I picked molly up and spun her around whilst kissing her all over her face "Can I tell her" I asked molly she nodded quickly "I've got to go and pick something up from my dads" she smiled at me "Well I'll get a car to take you" she looked at me "I can walk you know or get the bus" I laughed "no absolutely not,not safe enough"

Just as she was about to speak up Blake appeared around the corner with her hair everywhere,she is not a morning person,she just slide into one of the stools and whispered I'm hungry so I made her some chocolate pancakes.

"Princess how do you feel about going swimming,just me and you" her face lit up "Yes,but I can't swim" I smiled to her "that's ok I'll hold you and teach you" she jumped up of her stool and ran to her room.I'm guessing to get a swimming costume on.

"Right I'm going, call me if you need me don't hesitate,don't let her drown,always keep and eye on her" molly said nervously "tersoro take a breath please I will take care of her don't worry" I hugged her and sent her on her way then made my way up stairs to get my trunks on.

I knocked in Blake's door "you ready princess" she sung open her door "Yep,come on" she was wearing a unicorn swimming suit.

Once we got into my indoor pool I jumped in then swam to the side "come on princess" "Can I jump in" she asked me "Yep I'll catch you" and I did,she jumped into my arms. I spent the next 20 minutes teaching her how to swim and she pretty good already but I stopped her because I want to speak to her.

So I'm  currently holding her with her legs wrapped around my waist "ok princess so today you mommy spoke to me" she nodded "and told me something you said to her" she nodded again not speaking "that you wanted me to me your dad" she nodded but buried her head into my neck "it's ok princess don't get shy on me"

"And we was speaking and I'll tell you what" she replied back this time "what" I smiled "I would love you be your dad,if you would like that" she froze for a second not mowing what to say before she hugged me so tight.

"So I can call you daddy and say to everybody I've got a mommy and daddy" I smiled at her eagerness "yes you can" she squealed in excitement "thank you,thank you,thank you" she so cute.

"Right come on princess let's get you dry and dressed" she smiled and I pulled her out of the pool with me.

About half an hour later molly returned and just before she could ask Blake came running in "daddy can you help me the telly not working" I smiled "yeah I'll help you"
"Oh hi mommy" she smiled "hi baby,are you ok" Blake jumped into her arms "never better" I chuckled "right we have about 2 hours to do what ever then we need to get ready ok" before of my girls agreed.

"Thank you" Molly whispered to me "what are you thanking me for molly there's nothing to thank me for" she smiled "you have just help me out a lot" I kissed her cheek and settled down onto the couch.

Authors note

How did we like this chapter,Blake and enzos bond is so cute ❤️

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