Chapter 30

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Mollys pov

"Mummy,mummy" I heard somebody shout whilst jumping on the bed next to me, I peeled open my eyes and saw Blake sat right next to me along with enzo "hello baby" I said to Blake.

"Can we go and get the Christmas tree today" she asked me eagerly "Yes we can give me an hour to get dressed and that then we will ok" I laughed "daddy are you coming to"
"Yeah I am princess" he replied back to her.

"Wow that one" Blake said to me whilst pulling on my jacket, we had got here about 2 minutes ago and Blake has been running around wild "Well baby that one is really big I think you need to pick a small one" I said to her,I mean it would fit but it's really big "it ok,let's get it" enzo said from over my should, I really hate when he doesn't that,when I say no then he says yes.

"Enzo" he smiled at me "it's our first Christmas together I want it to be the best" I rolled my eyes "Enzo she's gone through her life not getting everything she demands it's not going to start now just because you have money!"

I know I'm over reacting but it's pissing me off "I'm sorry ok but I also want to get this to make up for the times she didn't have anything molly" and right there my heart broke,he was making it out like she was just left there and abandoned and it's her first Christmas, every year I worked my arse off just to make sure she got a little of something,and let's just say I didn't work at a cafe or something I had to do things I didn't want.

It also broke my heart that he is right she hasn't had a big Christmas tree every year and everything else that comes with it, a small tear dropped down my face, I quickly wiped it away "yeah get it,Blake I need to go to the car ok you stay with daddy and get the tree wrapped up" I stood up and went to go past enzo but he grabbed my wrist "Molly I didn't mean it like that" I just pulled my arm out of his and made my way to the car.

"My men are going to pick up the tree and bring it here later on" I just nodded to him and made my way into the house, the car ride over here had been silent all that was going through my head was am I not going to be able to provide for my new baby,does enzo think I'm a bad mum,this mixed with the hormones is not a good combination.

"Tersoro" he said walking into the bedroom "Yep" I replied back looking for a new T-shirt "don't be mad I'm sorry I didn't mean anything bad by it I just want this to be special and also she's been asking non stop for this tree" I took of my top and went to put on my new one before enzo grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

"Yeah ok cool" I needed him to leave me alone for a bit,that's how I get over my things being alone.He kissed my fore head "stop,I said I'm sorry, I'm going to take u and Blake to dinner and worship you tonight ok" I couldn't help but crack a smile "ok" he smiled back "am I forgiven"

"Depends" he looked at me with a confused face "depends how good you are at worshiping" I whisper back and walked out of the room throwing on my t-shirt.

"Come on" Enzo said grabbing my hand and picking up Blake, we made our way into the restaurant "Marino" enzo said to the woman stood waiting to seat people "mr marino right this way" we are sat in a booth at the back.

"What can I get for you" the woman asked us all,at least she isn't shoving her boobs in his face, "3 waters and for meals kids chicken nuggets,steak medium rare and a carbonara" enzo said to the waiter "ok I'll be back with that soon"

"Here you go" she put down our food and we started enjoying it.when I was nearly done somebody caught my eye, no!no!no! this can't be real, he's going to kill me, hurt Blake.

Enzo caught on to my panicking "tersoro are you all right" I nodded my head "we need to go, right now" enzo was about to reply back to me but it was to late I had already locked eyes with him, his face was plastered with a sinister smirk.

"He's here" I whisper to enzo,his head shot to where Jeff was stood, he gave us a little wave before his smirk faltered a bit when he realised who I was with,but never the less he kept up the act.

I could see enzo whip out his phone and 2 seconds later 3 black suvs where pulling up outside of the restaurant.

Jeff proceeded to walk out of the restaurant "come on Blake let's get going" luckily she didn't see him and I don't think he saw her, I've got no doubt in my mind that Jeff will not make it home tonight and to be honest I'm glad,that might make me an awful person but I'm glad that he'll die.

Enzo paid for the bill and we got in the car and went home.

"Night baby" I say to Blake and walk out of her room and into mine, enzo got in bed behind me and pulled me to him.

"Are you ok" he questioned me "Yeah" I said to him "your not saying tonight are you" I added on knowing that he was going to give Jeff a visit "no I'm sorry" he kissed my cheek "it's ok,but stay until I fall asleep"

Authors note

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