Chapter 17

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Enzos pov

There was no need to knock as nobody would be able to hear so I just swung open the door and walked in.

I followed the noise to the backyard were there was everybody aunties,uncles,cousins.

We started walking down the steps to everybody but I didn't make it far before my nonna came rushing up to me she gave me a kiss on the cheek "there is my beautiful boy,and this must be molly and Blake,you both are very beautiful"

"Hi" Molly said shyly "oh come here"she grabbed molly and pulled her into a hug and kissed both of her cheeks "from what I see you make my grandson very happy,so thank you for that"

Before molly could reply my nonna turned her attention to Blake "well aren't you the cutest" Blake smiled "your very pretty as well" my nonna laughed "well thank you dear"
"Come on let's introduce you to everybody"

We spent the next 20 minutes or so going around to everybody,they all liked molly and Blake even danced with them a bit, but I could tell molly was getting a bit overwhelmed so I lead us to the chairs "how are you feeling" molly smiled "ok".

We definitely stayed for more than an hour but I knew when Blake started to fall asleep on my lap that it was time to go "Right momma we are going" my mother turned around "already come on stay awhile" i huffed "no mamma Blake's falling asleep" she looked at me "ah ok well text me when you get back home ok" "ok mamma".

"That was fun" Molly said as I swung open the hotel door "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

I stayed whilst she put Blake to bed and changed into her pjs.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow" I asked her knowing she was going to visit her parents and brother "I'm nervous,a bit scared but mostly excited"
"Good, I'll be her at 11 tomorrow to take you round ok" she smiled "ok,thank you enzo"
"No need to thank me molly"

she looked exhausted so I signalled her to come over,she walked straight over and I wrapped my arms around her one around her lower back and the other keeping her head pressed to the side,stroking her hair.

"You will be ok" she just nodded so I picked her up and made my way over to her bed "goodnight tersoro" she gave me back a small smile and before I knew it she fell asleep,I made my way out of the door, locked it and went down to my car.

On my way back to my house I just sat in silence thinking about everything,when I got back home all I wanted to do was to go straight to sleep but my doorbell rang before I could,so I made my way downstairs to see who it was.

When I opened it I rolled my eyes "what do you want Jessica" I have not got the energy for her right now "hey enzo just thought you might need to see me" she said to me in a flirty voice reaching forward and putting her hands on my chest

"get you fucking hands off me and go because if I see you again don't think for a second I won't kill you" she stomped her foot like a child "but enzo you always love late night time with me don't be like that" now I was gritting my teeth "Remember who the fuck your talking to,take yourself somewhere else" she just rolled her eyes and stormed off

I know I said I don't kill woman but god would I allow her to be an exception,all she is to me was somebody I fucked when I needed a stress reliever nothing more nothing less but know I have molly and it makes me sick to my stomach just think of another woman.

I shook off the thought and made my way up the stairs to my bed just wishing molly was beside me.

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