Chapter 2

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Mollys pov

A soft pat on on my cheek woke me up from my sleep "mommy mommy wake I'm hungry" I open my eyes and Blake was leaned over me with a big grin plastered over her face and I couldn't help it but smile "we will have to go and get something ok,I need to shower you and me first then we will get dressed and go"
"Ok mommy ,I love you"
"I love you to" and that right there was the only reason I'm carrying on,I was surrounded by pain,emotional abuse,physical abuse and everything you could think of but she's just brought me this immense happiness.

I knew I had to go out to get Blake some food but I had a black eye,a busted lip and nothing to cover it I knew people were going to stare and I hated that,the thought of attention on me I hated it.

But I grabbed Blake and made my way over to the elevator,just as it was about to close somebody shouted "please hold that dear" a sweet old man came round the corner and into the elevator "thank you for that sweetie", when he saw my face he just gave me a sympathetic smile "and who do we have here"
"I'm Blake and that's my mommy"
"Well hello Blake and her mommy"he said with a small chuckle, I felt a lot of comfort around him and the fact that he didn't mention my face.
The elevator dang and we all walked out "bye bye mister"
"By to you to Blake,I am just staying in room 101 if you need any help,bye dear"and he walked off. I knew that was directed at me and not in a weird way I could tell he was just trying to make my life that tiny bit easier.

We entered a small cosy cafe and had a look at the menu Blake asked for pancakes and juice,I didn't have a lot of money on but I couldn't say no to her it was just a simple thing that I should be able to provide for her so I just decided I won't eat.

"Can I sit down I promise I won't move and I'll sit like a good girl" I hated letting her move from arms distance from me but I know her little legs can't stand for to long with a sigh I said "ok but you go sit at the table there you don't move or wander of ok"
She's smiled and made her way over whilst I was waiting for her pancakes.

Blake's pov

I sat in my chair swinging my legs waiting for my mommy,sat next to me were 3 misters they looked a bit scary with pictures all over them (tattoos)but I bet they were just a big softy the one closets to me kept staring at my mom,I knew my mom was sad and hurt and he looked like he could protect her so I reached over and tapped his chest "excuse me mister" he quickly looked down at me stared for a few second then a small smile appeared on his face "are you ok?"
"Erm Yep but you keep looking at my mommy is there something wrong"
"No nothing wrong sweetheart"
"I know she's beautiful.have you got a girlfriend or boyfriend" my mom told me that we can date whoever we like,even a boy and a boy so I made sure to ask , he let out a small chuckle "no I haven't got a girlfriend why?"
"My mommy hasn't got a boyfriend either,and you look nice and like you could protect her from the bad man" oh no I probably shouldn't have told him about the bad man.
"What bad man"

"Blake they only had orange jui-". She stop speaking but I really wanted apple juice, I took my pancakes from her hand as she sat down the man was looking at her and mommy was looking down "be quick baby I've got a few things to do ok"
I just smiled.

I eat my food as fast as I could and as soon as I finished my mommy grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door "bye mister it was nice speaking to you"

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