Chapter 14

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Enzos pov

"Enzo" my eyes shot open,only to see Blake stood at the side of me looking like she had been cry so I sat up and grabbed her In my arms and sat her in my lap "what happened princess,are you hurt"she shook her head "no I just got scared,it was really dark and outside is making noises" she meant the thunder.

"that's ok would you like to stay here"
"Can I cuddle with you and mommy"she asked me already falling asleep on my chest "Yes you can princess" by the time I replied she was already asleep so I carefully laid back down pulled the covers over us and pulled molly closer to me.

Mollys pov

I woke up to two people chatting so I turned around to see Blake and Enzo laughing with each other. when Enzo spotted me he smiled "I'm sorry did we wake you up"
"No" I told him

"morning mommy,guess what" Blake said with a smile "what"
"I was cuddling with you and Enzo last night but more Enzo" I laughed "was you and why was you in here" Enzo spoke up "she got scared of the thunder and dark and asked to stay in here I hope that wasn't a problem I just didn't want to wake you up"
"No no that's fine"

Actually I was worried, I was worried about how attached Blake was getting to Enzo and how fast we seemed to be moving it's scary, I've only just got out of an abusive relationship I didn't want another any time soon and yes Enzo has given me no reason to worry but neither did Jeff in the beginning.

Also I wanted to get back in contact with my family Jeff cut me off from them a while ago said I didn't need them and they didn't care about me, maybe that's true maybe it is not but I miss my dads and older brother.

"Molly you ok" I just looked at him "Yeah just thinking" he replied with "thinking about what" I looked away from him then back "my family I haven't heard or seen them in a while,Blake has never seen them and I just miss them"
"Have you got no way to contact them" I just shook my head "will you give me a minute or two"
"Yeah go ahead"

He stood up and walked to him phone and put it to his ear "max" that's all I heard before he walked out "mommy,can we get some breakfast I'm hungry"
"Yeah but just wait until enzo comes back ok"

We spent the whole day with enzo when it came around the 4 I said that we need to go back to the hotel

"ok before I take you back two things,number one would you and Blake like to come to the family event thing tomorrow,you don't have to but I've been told I have to ask before I say no again to my mum" I thought for a moment "ok but we are only staying for an hour I don't want to overwhelm Blake she's never been in a big group of people"
"Ok perfect" he replied back to me

"Ok second" he handed me a piece of paper with a phone number on "what's this"
"Well I know you said you couldn't contact your family so your dad peters phone number" I looked at him and just started crying, he sat down and hugged me whilst I cried "thank you Enzo you really don't understand how much that means to me"

He kissed my fore head "mommy are you ok"
"Yeah I'm fine baby don't worry" she looked at it reluctant but said ok "do you think i could call him know"

"Yeah go ahead would you like me to leave and take Blake with me"
"Yeah if you don't mind" he smiled "come on princess let's go look around and do something" she jumped straight to her feet and went with him.

I took a deep breath and but the digits into my phone, I kept repeating to myself I can do it I can do it whilst the phone rang. (Dad will be in bold,molly in normal font)

"OMG molly is that you"
"Yeah it me dad"
"I've missed you so much,I'm going to kill him for keeping you away from us"
"I'm safe now with Blake"
"Yeah she's my daughter"
"Omg you had a daughter how old"
"She's three"
"I am so sorry molly I tried and tried to get through to you but I just wasn't happening"
"It's fine now I'm out safe with Blake"
"Did he Erm,Hurt you" I sat in silence and I think that was a good enough answer for him as he started to break down crying in the phone.

"Don't cry dad"
"I'm so sorry molly"
"I'm safe now that's all the matters"
"When can we see you"
"I work Sunday to Wednesday,but I'm busy tomorrow"
"What about Saturday"
"Yeah Saturday is good it's only an 15 minute drive,25 minute walk so I will make my way down"
"God I've missed you, you brother and papa are going to be so glad to see you"
"Will you please not tell them I'll surprise them but make sure jake is at the house"
"Ok I will send me some pictures of Blake, I love you"
"I will do I love you to"

I ended the phone feeling so happy I was going to see my family.

Authors note

Thank you for all the reads
Get ready for some molly and enzo bonding time next chapter xx

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