Chapter 33

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Enzos pov

2 weeks earlier,before the proposal

I knocked on the door of Mollys dads house,I was shitting myself,I was still going to propose if they said no but it would be heart breaking more for molly than me but you get the point, it would hurt knowing that I don't have their blessing.

"Enzo hi,what are you doing here" it was Peter who opened the door "do you mind if I talk to you and Elijah for a minute" I gave him a small smile "yeah of course come in" I walked in through the door and followed him to the kitchen were Elijah was sat down watching one direction music videos,I swear he is the one who taught Blake all the words to their songs.

"Sit down can I get you a drink" Peter asked me "no I'm ok thank you"

"You Alright enzo" this time it was Elijah who asked me"Yeah I'm good how are you" I asked him "Yeah good good"

"Ok what did you need to speak to us about" I cleared my throat "Well I've been doing a lot of thinking recently and I know it would mean a lot to me and molly to have your blessing,so I'm here to ask you guys if I can marry molly" my palms were sweating.

"Omg,of course you can enzo I have not seen her as happy as she is in my life and you brought her back to us and I couldn't thank you enough for that" Peter said

"Yeah you've done a lot for her and Blake,you've took on being a father and that's how I know you are mature enough for Marriage,I can also see it in you eyes how much you love her,just keep it that way" Elijah said to me whilst shaking my hand.

"Thank you so much it means a lot" I said to them whilst Peter was hugging me.

We said our goodbyes and I made my way straight over to my mums it was Blake's birthday in a couple of days so I'm going to propose to her a week or two after it just so Blake can still have her light.

"Mama you here" I shouted as I walked into her and my papas house "hello baby" she said to me coming out of the kitchen in an apron and flour coated all over her "hey I've got a question" we walked back into the kitchen and mama carried on needing her dough "Can I have the ring".

I don't think I have ever seen that woman move so fast "are you going to propose" she questioned my I just nodded my head,she ran up to me hugging me and in result I got flour all over my clothes.

"Yes I will go and get it,I'm so exited" she smiled at me "but mama do not tell anybody and I mean it,ok" I said to her seriously "ok I promise" I kissed both of her cheeks and she wondered off to go and find the ring.

Present day

I'm so glad that's all over now,all I could think about was if molly was going to say yes, she has no reason not to but I never knew and it had been doing my head in so for her to say yes tonight was an amazing feeling.

We're currently laying in bed she's lay on my chest and I'm stroking my hand up and down her arm.

"Do you want to get married soon" she asked me "Yeah"

"Well it will have to wait until next year" she said to me "what why" I was confused "Well I'm not get married whilst pregnant that is a no no,also I don't want a wedding in December or October and the baby will still only be very small I'm think either may, June,July or August next year"

I whined "but I want you married to me right now" she chuckled "you will just have to wait awhile won't you" she leaned up and kissed my cheek.

"What types of wedding do you want" I asked her it's not anything we have spoken about before "Well I want it in one of those old fashion castles,no kids except ours and any immediate family,colour theme Erm I'm not sure about that yet"

"Sounds nice,you can have anything you want" I said to her I wanted this to be perfect "Well not anything weddings are so expensive" I rolled my eyes when will she learn "ok and,molly this is your special day you will have what ever you want no matter the price"

I kissed her fore head "we better get to sleep Blake's coming back early in the mromg and wants to go swimming with the both of us, we also need to tell everybody"

"Who knows" she asked me "my mum and your dads" she smiled and snuggled herself into my chest.

I'm so lucky.

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