Chapter 26

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Mollys pov

I had just finished up work and wanted to get home before I remembered I had left my phone at my brothers the other day,Blake was at home and I didn't think that jake would mind me stopping by.

When I arrived I just walked straight through the door and to jakes bed room not even listening to my surroundings, but as I bursted through his door I was met with a shocking site.There was Luca without a shirt lay on top on my brother who was just dressed in his boxers kissing each other, there heads suddenly turned towards mine "I was just coming to grab my phone,you guys carry on"

Jake went to Interrupt but I just grabbed my phone from his desk, slammed his door and made my way out of the house and into the car enzo had bought me.what the fuck I muttered to myself.


"Hello" I answered
"Hello mommy" I breathily looked at my phone,it was enzos contact but Blake speaking
"Blake baby,where is enzo and why are you calling me"
"Enzo is on the toilet and I was just ringing to see if you have picked them up"
"Picked who up baby"
"My brother or sister silly" dam I thought she would of forgot by now
"No Blake I haven't"
"Why mommy"

I just shook my head because Blake you don't pick up fucking baby's I thought to myself
"Because Blake I told you it might not happen ok"
"I'm upset now,I'm giving the phone to daddy" on the other end of the call you hear Blake shout for enzo and him picking up the phone
"Tersoro,when are you coming home"
"I'll be there in 2 minutes"
"Ok bye tersoro"

Exactly like I said 2 minutes later I was pulling into the drive way and making my way into the house "hello" enzo said to me coming over to give me a hug "hello to you to handsome,where is Blake" I questioned him "she just went upstairs and also tomorrow I'm gonna need you to take Blake to work with you I'm going to be in and out all day" he said to me "ok"

I made my way upstairs to check on Blake only to hear small sniffles coming from her room,so I slowly opened the door to see Blake laying on her tummy crying on the floor.

"Blake baby what's wrong" I said to her as I say crossed legged on the floor next to her, she just sat up looking at me with sad eyes "I don't want to speak about it yet" she said to me,now the way I have brought up Blake is that just because you are a child does not mean you have to be forced to do things with your emotions you don't like.

"Ok that fine,but I would like for you to talk to me when your ready"she nodded her head slowly "I'm sorry for crying and not being a big girl" she apologised to me,another thing I have been teaching her is that her emotions are always valid and that we have to deal with are problems .

"Blake you are allowed to cry and let out your emotions,after you are finished crying we can have a look at what is making you feel so upset and also what have I said you can be a big girl but even big girls cry and that's fine we just have to learn what to do in that situation" I explained to her.

She climbed into my lap and rested her head on my chest "I just really want a sibling" she whisper to me before she fell asleep,I stood up with her bridal style,dressed her into her pjs and tucked her into bed.

"Are you ok" Enzo questioned me "Yeah Blake just really wants a sibling" I chuckled and he just hmm like he was in deep thought, I bent down to pick up a toy that was left on the floor and when I came back up I felt enzos presents behind me with a hand on my hip.

I turned myself around to face enzo "bella ragazza,non sai Cosa mi fai" (pretty girl,you don't know what you do to me) he whisper in my ear, bear in mind I had no idea what he was saying but it turned me on anyway.

I looked him in the eye and started kissing him.He picked me up and walked us to our bedroom,my lips started making There way down to his jaw then neck as he laid me down softly on the bed.

Some sexual content now skip if you don't like it

He crawled onto of me and kissed me deeply as I tried taking of him T-shirt,but he paused me "are you sure" he questioned me I nodded but that wasn't good enough "words tersoro,words" he demanded "Yeah I'm sure".

After that he lifted my body up, threw of my T-shirt then his, he started kissing down from my jaw to my neck as he slowly reached around and un clipped my bra "god your gorgeous" he muttered and he started kissing all over.

He unbutton my pants, pulled them down my leg then pulled of my underwear, I suddenly felt abit self consciousness and I guess enzo picked up on it As he grabbed my chin "look at me" he said I looked at him as he started to take of his pants with his free and pull down his boxers "you are gorgeous, I'm gonna ask you again are you sure" he questioned me.

"Yes I'm sure" he smiled and suddenly his fingers dipped inside of me making my back arch,he went back to kissing me catching my moans in his mouth,his fingers went faster and as I was getting close he pulled out "can't have you getting there that fast" he muttered.

He grabbed a pillow and place it under my lower back and position himself ready to go.

As he slowly inched in it felt a bit painful this was my first time in a long time, he kept whispering to me how good I was being and asking me if I was ok "do you need a minute" he asked me once he was fully inside,I shook my head and as soon as I did he started thrusting inside.

I was a mess he was thrusting hard and fast "good girl,look how good your being" he whisper whilst I was moaning in his ear.

"Enzo I'm close" I whisper to him as he kept his pace "I know baby I am to" he whisper back, he looked me in the eyes "god your beautiful" he whispered to me, I couldn't even find my words to reply to him.

A few thrust later and he was realising inside of me, once he got his breath back he picked me up bridal style and put me on the Toilet so I could pee,washed me in he shows and put me in one of his T-shirt's.

"Are you ok tersoro" I nodded back to him with my eyes closed, he got in bed pulled me close and whisper to me "goodnight" I didn't even have the strength to whisper it back before I fell asleep in his arms.

Authors note

I've never written sexual content before so I'm sorry if it bad 😂

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