Chapter 8

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Mollys pov

We spent around an hour playing bowling and I lost,only because enzo was helping Blake and he is really good at bowling.

"Mummy that was so fun,even better because I won"
"I'm glad you enjoyed it baby"
"Right come on both of you I'm sure your feeling hungry" me and Blake both agreed,I was only going to get something small because I didn't have that much money on me I really hoped it wasn't fancy.

It was only a small drive to the restaurant,it looks nice a bit posh but still nice. once again he opened the door for us,picked up Blake, put a hand on my back and lead us into the restaurant. When we entered he went straight to the front desk and told them his name but what I noticed was the place was silent just like when we walked into bowling and when we was lead to our table it was right at the back and men in black suits were sat across from us.

"Enzo what is going on"
"What do you mean darling" and before I could reply our waiter came over,you could tell she had pulled up her skirt and unbuttoned her shirt to show off her boobs,well that's unprofessional isn't it "my names Stacy and I'll be you waiter what can I get you" she said to enzo and he just looked up at me and asked what me and Blake wanted and you could tell she didn't like this "we will have 2 waters please" I said to her and she rolled her eyes at me this bitch "I'll have a water to"
"Ok sir I'll be back" ew just actually ew.

"What do you want to eat darling" Well this nickname is new I'm not sure what is think of it
"Erm I'll just have the hunters chicken"
"And you princess" he said to Blake
"CHICKEN NUGGETS" he just chuckled
"Ok we will get you some chicken nuggets"

"Here are you waters" she slammed mine and Blake's down and then leaned over to put enzo water and her boobs right in front of him,he just didn't show her any interest "we will have a hunters chicken, kids chicken nuggets and a chicken burger" he told her still not looking at her and this got her angry so she decided to speak up "Erm are you sure you don't need a salad for her" that was rude but before enzo replied Blake spoke "listen her lady,speak to my mum like that again and I will bite your ear of and also he doesn't like you so put your boobies away and go get my food" she just stood there shocked with her mouth wide open an this time enzo spoke up "shut your mouth and go get us a new waiter before you regret it" she just quickly nodded and rushed of.

I was gob smacked "Blake where did that come from" she just shrugged at me
"I'm sorry about her" he said to me
"It's alright"
"And Blake well done" I just looked at him
"Don't tell her well done that was mean"
"Yeah but the waiter was mean" he smiled at me,you would think enzo was Blake's dad their personality are so alike. After that we had a great time we all eat, me and Enzo had a great chat. I offered to pay but he insisted on it saying its old school he knows but he will always pay for the bill no matter what that's how he was raised and what his mother taught him so I didn't argue on that.

"Right where am I dropping you off because it's not going to be at the library it to dark for you to walk back" I froze I couldn't tell him I lived at a hotel he would get suspicious "no,no it's fine"
"No molly don't argue with me on this I won't let you both walk back when it's so dark" I just huffed "why don't you want to tell me molly"
"It's embarrassing,I can tell you've got money enzo and where I live just shows that I don't"
"Molly just because I have money doesn't mean I judge over People's situation"
"Fine the hotel on south street" he just looked at me and nodded.

Blake was asleep on my lap when we reached the hotel,he got out opened the door for us "let me carry her" I looked at him but eventually gave her to him I didn't want him to come in,I didn't even want him to see where we live but I guess he's coming in now.

I opened the door to my hotel room and he walked in and put Blake on the bed then tucked her in, i was just starring at the floor "molly" I just ignored him and kept my head down, he walked up to me and held me chin to look at him "Molly don't be embarrassed,you are amazing I don't know what went on and how you got here but I have an idea and I'm just so proud of you for getting yourself and Blake safe,your not alone anymore,ok" and then it hit all my walls came down and I just broke down cry he just grabbed me and held me and let me cry whilst he comforted me.

After I calmed down a bit he lifted my head "better now" I just nodded at him and put my head down it was so nice to just be held for once "Enzo"
"Yes sweetheart"
"Will you stay with me" he paused for a second but then replied
"Of course,you get into bed I just need to make a phone call ok"  he just kissed my forehead and walked off to make a phone call.

I got Blake into her pjs which is hard when she's like a dead weight and I got myself ready for bed and climbed in and just as I was about to fall asleep I felt enzo climb in next to me and pull me against his Bare chest "goodnight sweetheart" I heard just before I fell asleep.

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