Chapter 27

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Mollys pov

I woke up with a smile on my face but that quickly disappeared when I heard my alarm going off "turn it off" Enzo muttered whilst pulling me into his chest "I would if I could reach over" he loosened his grip around me.

I turned of my alarm and jumped out of bed to get ready "nooooo come back" Enzo whined "no I have to get a shower and ready before Blake wakes up" he just huffed and sat up "I need a shower to" just then a small smirk appeared on his face "we should save some water and shower together" I let out a little giggled, grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom "come on then".

Me and Enzo showered then got dressed, he kissed my forehead "ok I've got to head out, I've got loads I need to do today" I smiled at him "ok be safe, I love you" he said to me, I froze we hadn't said that yet but quite frankly I know I love him but if I admit it out loud then there's no going back, he went to interrupt me "I love you to" I said back to him and his face lit up.

He came up to me and kissed me on the lips,I laughed "right go on I need to get Blake ready and your going to be late" he kissed me again and started walking down stairs "who's going to do something about it I'm my own boss" he shouted back.

Me and Blake arrived at the library,and straight away she jumped out and rushed in to see James, she must miss him.

"Hi James" I said to him as I walked over to the new box of books waiting to be put away and organised "hello molly how are you today" I smiled at James he's cute "I'm good how is your back" I questioned him, he has been having back pains the past week "oh I'm ok" I gave him a look that made sure he knew I didn't believe him "go to the doctors James"

Before he could reply I rushed to start putting the books away.

Nearing to the end of my shift I heard a throat clear behind me,so I turned around to see my brother stood there like he was nervous "jake what are you doing here" I got up and hugged him.

"Erm I came to speak to you about yesterday, you didn't like tell anybody about it, I'm sorry as well" he replied back whilst returning the hug "1 no I didnt tell anyone and 2 why are you sorry jake I don't care what you do with your love life" he blushed "thank you", "if that's all I would like to get back to work" I said to him "ok bye" he said to me and jogged of.

"Right I'm going now James hope you have a good day" I said to him as I picked up Blake "bye molly, bye Blake, but before you go I've got a favour of ask of you molly,you can say no if you want" I smiled to him "Yeah what's up"

"My granddaughter Chelsea she 19,20 in 3 weeks I'm worried about her she's a very pretty girl and had a good group of friends she went out with all the time but they have become nasty called her horrible things, now she distraught and has no friends, now you don't have to but I believe you to would get along well, here is her phone number if you would like to contact her" he smiled to me.

Poor girl I thought to myself "of course I'll call her tonight I need a few friends myself" I smiled to him and his face lit up "thank you molly you don't know how much it means to me" I gave him a big hug "don't worry about it,now I'll see you tomorrow,bye" I walked out the door with Blake holding my hand and a piece of paper in the other.

It's currently 9:00 at night and I couldn't stop think of the girl so I decided to give her a ring. Bold-Chelsea,this font-Molly

It rang a few times before somebody picked up

"Hi is this Chelsea"
"Erm Yep"
"Hi this is molly" I heard a small giggle on the end of the phone
"Wow I didn't think you would actually ring,I hope my grandad didn't made you feel like you have to, you and Blake are all he goes on about"
" quite honestly I need a friend too so I thought I would give you a ring"

Me and Chelsea spoke for ages I found out loads of things about her,she is a really nice girl and we are going out one day this week,I can't wait.

Enzo was not home yet but he text me saying he wouldn't be until really late, so I grabbed a shower,threw on one of his T-shirt's and climbed into bed.

I don't know what time it was but I knew it was late when I felt arms wrap around me and somebody kiss my temple and whisper goodnight tersoro.

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