Chapter 12

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Enzos pov

It was currently wednesday and I am flying back to England, I had to go to Italy on Sunday as the Russians had tried to rob all of my gun stock at one of my warehouses, but this meant leaving molly and Blake on their own I had two of my men just keep an eye out for them.

"Fratello calmati perché sembri così nervoso"(Brother calm down why do you look so nervous) my third in command,Carlo said to me whilst walking back from the bathroom.

"È nervoso di vedere Molly è Blake"(he is nervous to see Molly and Blake) Leonardo my second in command decided to speak up this time

"Ah la mamma o la sorella ti Hanno detto che le hanno parlato"(ah did mother or sister tell you that they spoke to her) Carlo told me, I whipped my head around nobody told me that.

"Nessuno mi ha detto che quando è successo"(no nobody told me that when did this happen) I was annoyed why can't they just give me a bit of respect when it comes to molly.

"Domenica fratello sono andati in biblioteca"(on Sunday brother they went to the library)

"Amor di dio"(god sake) I was now annoyed, all I wanted was to go back and see molly and Blake but now what if my mother said something to her now she hates me!

The rest of the flight I sat in silence whilst Carlo and leonardo were having a chat. Once the flight had landed I rushed of and got straight into the car it was only 12pm and she work until 3pm so I'll just surprise her at the library.

Once I got to the library I jumped out and rushed straight in there,I walked a bit further in and there was Blake sat down drawing she was so focused she didn't even realise I was walking over to her so I crouched down in front of her "hey princess" right then and there I think I heard the loudest scream I have ever heard in my entire life!

She jumped straight into my arm and held me tight "I missed you so much princess"
"I missed you to" Molly came around the corner "Blake are you ok" then she spotted me so I let go of Blake and rushed over to her and hugged her tight "god I missed you" I know it had only been 3 days but I did miss her.

"Enzo,enzo come look at this picture I made" Molly smiled and I smiled back "come on let's go and look"

"Ok enzo close you eyes" Blake said to me "alright" I heard a bit of paper being picked up and then she said open "look it's you and mommy and me" I stared at the picture I mean you couldn't really tell it was me I mean she was 2 but the fact that she had included me in it made me smile "wow I absolutely love this,can I take it and put it in my office" she smiled at me "I knew you would like it,and yes you can take it but only if you be careful with it"

"Of course I will protect it with my life" James popped around the corner once we were done "Molly you can go home early if you would like you finished what I needed"
"But I still have 3 hours left" she said
"Yeah yeah it's fine go on" she smiled and hugged it "come on then"

When we got in the car I turned to face molly a bit "would u like to come to my place for a bit,I can make you and Blake some food;we could watch a film I've just got to get a shower"she thought about it for a second then turned around the face Blake who was sat in the car seat,yes I got her one I remember "Would you like to go to enzos"
"Ok" Molly said to me then I started driving

"You know your Italian accent is more hearable then before"
" yeah that tends to happen when I speak a lot of Italian" she just nodded at me and we sat in silence for the rest of the way there.

"Alright we are here" I said to molly her mouth was wide open looking at my house well I guess some people would call it a mansion, I looked back at Blake to see you doing the exact same thing "OMG this is so cool,come on come on let's go" Blake said binging up and down in her seat I just chuckle and climbed out of the car.

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