Chapter 7

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Mollys pov

After enzo asked me out, the 2 days after just seemed to go so slow. Wednesday Blake made some pictures with James whilst I worked and on Thursday I took Blake to the park and to get ice cream then spent the rest of the day at the hotel watching the tv.

I was still trying to be careful because the last thing I wanted to do was bump into Jeff,I will not let him take away all the hard work I've put into getting us out! I still have nightmares of the beating and all the names he used to call me but I'm trying and to be honest I'm really tired,tired of living I put a smile on my face everyday to push back the pain but it doesn't work. I'm still going to do this for Blake.

It was now Friday and I'm shitting myself Blake is excited but I'm not I have not been on a date with a man since I was like 16 what am I supposed to do,what if he is just like Jeff,what if he hurt me or Blake I've been panicking all morning and contemplating whether I should just cancel or not but I spent so much time panicking that it's now 2:35 and I needed to get us ready, no backing out now.

I'm wearing just plain black ripped jeans and an off the shoulder knitted pink jumper it really all I had. Blake is wearing this pink,purple and white dress with a pair of knock off pair of converse I would love to dress her in something better but I just can't not with me already struggling to pay for things.

We made it to the outside of the library at 3:55 and there he was already waiting for us he came straight over once he saw us "you both look beautiful" I smiled at him and Blake replied with "I know" and he let out a small chuckle "I'm glad you know it Blake,come on my cars waiting."
"Erm enzo I hope you don't mind Blake will have to sit on my knee because there's no car seat"
"Yeah that's fine I'll make sure to get one for next time" he then smiled and opened the door for me. Next time he's confident.

"I've booked bowling and then a restaurant I hope that's good with you"
"Yeah that's fine" I replied but I was to busy looking around his car he was rich rich this car looks like it cost more than my life!

"So Blake tell me what is your favourite food ever" I smiled this was cute he wasn't pushing her aside he seemed really be interested in her.
"Well I love chicken nuggets,mommy got me some the other day for the first time they were yummy and my favourite snack is lolly pops"
"Oooo I like them to" the rest of the drive was just filled with small talk him asking me how I was and little things like and and asking Blake about her favourite animal which is a dinosaur by the way,he agreed and they had a chat about it.

Once we arrived he jumped out the car so he could open our car door for us and gave me a hand. stepping out blake quickly rushed to his sides to be picked up so he grabbed her in his arms and on the side he wasn't holding Blake he put a hand on my lower back. we made it in and as soon as we stepped it the place went silent and I was so confused it seemed like it was because of enzo.
"Mr Marino please come this way" now what in the Wattpad is this,this guy looks like he is about to shit himself,I haven't read wattpad in a while due to circumstances but this is like one of the books I used to read when I was like 15.

Once we was in the bowling alley which by the way was closed off from everyone except from these men in black suit that you could see in the corner of the bar,I stoped and looked at him "what was that enzo" he shut shrugged his shoulder
"Right come on let's see who is the best out of all of us" Well then,let's see how this turns out.

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