Chapter 28

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Mollys pov

3 days later me and Chelsea decided to meet up at the cute little restaurant not far from me.

When I walked in I saw her sat in the corner, "hi Chelsea" I said to her as I approached the table "hi molly,wow your very pretty" she said to me whilst giving me a hug, "you too"

The waiter came over to us, he was a lad probably about 19 "hi what can I get for you" he kept on looking at Chelsea you could tell he fancied her "Erm I'll have a lemonade and molly" she said to me "I'll have the same please" he quickly walked off to get our drinks.

He came back to give us our drinks and get our orders, about 50 minutes we had finished our food and was waiting for the check.

"So do you have a boyfriend" I asked her "Nope" she said to me as she took a sip of her drink "good because that guy keeps looking at you and fancy's the pants of you so as your new best friend I must see if you like him" she giggled "he's cute" I smiled "done deal let get his phone number for you"

"No absolutely not he won't like me" she said whilst hiding her face "liar" I saw him printing of our recite and just my luck Chelsea handed over 30 pound and said she needs the toilet when he came near.

"Ok your total is £35.78" he said I handed over my money and payed for it all I wasn't going to let her pay "question do you like my friend because you seem to" I asked him straight forward "Erm Yeah she's pretty" I smiled "good she thinks your cute,give me your phone number and I'll give it to her because god knows she won't ask for it herself" he chuckled and wrote his phone number down on a piece of paper.

When Chelsea came back we made our way back outside "here you go I told you he liked you" I said giving her the phone number and her money "you didn't" she looked shocked "Yep I did he thinks your pretty,now make sure you text him" she smiled "thank you and also here take the money".

I flat out refused her money.

We said our goodbyes and We promised to see each other soon.

I drove home to find a massive ball fit filled with plastic colourful balls that also included  Blake and enzo watching a film in it "what the actual fuck" I said both of There heads turn towards me "language mommy" Blake said to me "hello tersoro, she's been asking for a Christmas tree but we have to wait so I compromise" I laughed "well I can see that".

Enzo was about to reply but his phone rang, he got out of the ball pit and walked out of the room "where's daddy going mummy" Blake questioned me "I don't know".

Enzos pov

I got a phone call telling me that the Russians had tried to steal 7 million pounds of guns from my warehouse and that they had some of them tied up for interrogation.

"Tersoro I need to go don't wait up for me" I said to molly as I walked back into the front room "ok be safe" she said to me and I walked up to them both and gave them kisses on their foreheads "bye princess, bye tersoro".

I jumped into my car and sped off.

"Speak to me" I said once I walked into the warehouse "we have 3 Russians one of them has spoke a little but only giving us information we already know,the other is nearly breaking and the last guy is keeping his mouth shut" one of my men replied.

"Where is the one who won't crack" I asked him wanting to get this over and done with "3rd room" I sent him a nod dismissing him,I walked over to the door and pulled it open "right fucker ready to have some fun".

2 hours later I've took of my blazer,rolled up the sleeves of my white shirt and unbuttoned some of the buttons "I'm going to ask you one last time before I take of another finger,tell me what you know" his head just lulled back,but with all the strength he had left he spat in my face.

I grabbed him face and started punching him "boss I've got the file" Luca said to me,he had joined me about 20 minutes ago, "right let's have a see, oh wow you've got a beautiful wife and kids,tell me do they know what you do" his face went red with anger.

I obviously wasn't going to hurt some innocent people but I'll do what I need to get him to talk, he deserves no pity especially with the vile things he does "does your wife know you rape little girl, about your daughters age" he looked shocked that I knew anything.

That's all it took he started spilling everything from names,place,codes and everything I need to know, he knew he wasn't going to get out of here alive but he at least knows I won't touch his family, which I wouldn't of done in the first place but he doesn't know that.

"Finish him off" I said then walked out of the room to my car just wanting to get home to molly and Blake.

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