Chapter 21

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Enzos pov

It's now thurday and I had been working non stop to get everything packed in so that I have no interruptions today because I know this means a lot to molly.She sent me a text telling me we are going for 5 so be back soon,I look at my watch and saw it was 3:00 so I decided to go home, now everybody is under strict instructions that you do not call me for anything you call leonardo and if he doesn't answer then it's Luca.

"Hello" I shouted once i walked through the door and I didn't get an answer so I walked around and heard the shower running "I'm home" the door suddenly opened and it was Blake "mommy's is showering but you can come in" I chuckled "it's ok,do you need to get dressed",she was in her pjs but I could tell she had a shower because her hair was wet.

"Yeah and do my hair" I smiled at her "come on I'll do it,molly Blake's coming with me" she shouted back a faint yes and I closed the door "right shall we do you hair fist" Blake looked back shocked "you can do my hair" I picked her up and placed her in my lap "Yep my sister for about 3 years straight would only let me do her hair so I learnt how to do it,she still sometimes gets me to do it" Blake smiled at me and asked if I could do french plaits I said ok.

I know it's better to do french plaits when the hair is damp so I towel dried it and found a hair dryer just to go over it a bit.

"There we go,what outfit do you want to wear" she thought for a second "dress" I picked her up and took her to her wardrobe that I had filled up with clothes"do you want the pink one"
"No the black" i grabbed it "right can you get yourself dressed or do you need to wait for mommy" I didn't want to undress her without Mollys permission,Blake feels like my child but at the end of the day she isn't and it's up to molly "I can do it" Blake said
"Ok well I'll be outside shout me when your done" she Nodded and I walked out of the door.

"Hello handsome" I turned around to see molly just in her towel,I grabbed her waist and pulled her close "hello beautiful" she giggled and land I leaned down to kiss her,she connected her lips to mine and I turned us around so she was pressed against the wall.

"ahem" we quickly turned around to see Blake stood there with her arms crossed looking me up and down "did you do her hair" molly asked me "Yeah my sister Used to make me do hers" I turned back round to Blake and she just grabbed my hand told molly to get dressed and told me it was question time.

She sat me down on her bed and her next to me "question one why was you kissing my mommy" I was so confused,what was going on it's like an interrogation "because I think she's beautiful" she just looked at me "are you and mommy dating" she is 3 how does she even know what dating is "Yes I'm dating you mommy" she looked me up and down "tell me 5 things you love about mommy" she was not playing around "she beautiful,funny,kind,clever and polite"

I was worried when she didn't say anything but then she jump on me "ok you have my approval" I smiled, I mean I guess that approval is out of the way "Right come on get your shoes on,I need to change suits then we will go" she quickly jumped off me then rushed to her shoes.

I changed into my Armani suit and made my way down the stairs where both of my girls were waiting it seemed like molly was having a serious conversation with Blake and they both looked at bit upset "hey what's wrong" molly look straight at me "nothing is wrong,come on let's go before we are late"

I knew she was lying but I would ask her about it later "Right ok,come on then" so we jumped in the car and made our way there,I had one question running through my mind were they going to like me?

Authors note

Short one today,but hope you like it and you've had a good day❤️

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