Chapter 6

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Enzo pov

I was so happy she said yes and better yet I got to take her daughter out along with her as well.

As I was driving back from the library my phone rang Lorenzo my best mate and second in command was calling "yes Lorenzo, how can I help you today" I answered sarcastically
"Wow your in a good mood" he said with a bit of a chuckle
"Yeah yeah what do you want"
"And there he is,I was just calling to say we have the snitch at the ware house what do you want me to do with him"
" rough him up a bit but don't kill him, he's gonna feel pain for trying to rat me out"
"Got it boss,bye"

once I ended the phone I realised I was nearly at home,I was planning to book everything for Friday to make sure nothing goes wrong,but just as I reached my house  my phone went off again.

"oh for fuck sake what now" I answered the phone without looking who it was "what do you want Lorenzo!"
"Boy I know you did not just speak to you mother like that"  !shit!
"No I'm sorry mamma I thought you was Lorenzo"
"Well I guessed that,anyway all your brothers and your sister is here come from wherever you are and come get food,ok"
"Yes ok mum I'll be round in 20 minutes"
"Ok and also your sister wants her book" before I could answer she ended the phone, I really didn't want to go out tonight,but if I want to keep my life there is no way I'm saying no to my mum,there is only one person I'm afraid of in this world and it is her she is scary when she's mad.

I went home took a quick shower got back in my car and made my way over to my mother and fathers house. "I'm here" I shouted when I walked through the door and as soon as I did the smell of homemade food filled my nose so I followed the smell and came round to see my mother,my brother Carlo (third in command) and Luca.

"Oh there you are my baby,come her come try this pasta"I walked round to her and tried it,it was amazing as usual "that's great mum"
"I know,your sister and your other brother are in the front room go give her that book and tell them to come and sit down for food"

I walked round to see Antonio and Bella just lay on the coach watch the vampire diaries and sat in their one direction pjs you would think they were kids but nope their 19&17
Well you wouldn't think. "Guys mum told me to get you for food and Bella here is the book you so desperately wanted and was to busy to get"
"Omg thank you,love you,missed you" Bella said then just walked past me
"Enzo how you doing"
"I'm good Antonio,how are you,how's school going"
"Great because I'm great but I'm not getting in trouble of mum so let's hurry up"
"You know what I actually agree with you on that."

All of us was sat round the table Carlo,Antonio,Luca,Bella mum and dad it was nice to gather around.I may not still live her but nothing beats mums food, as we was all eating I kept on feeling my mums stare on me and I knew it was coming,a question that normally people would ask one on one but oh no not my mother.

"so enzo who is she"
"What do you mean"
"I mean who is this woman who has put a smile on my face and don't lie because you know I know everything" I mean come in how did she find out and did she have to say this in front of everyone.
"Erm her names molly"
"Molly that sounds nice,how'd you meat her"
"At the cafe then today at the library" just then Carlo decide to butt in like always
"No way the girl from last week who you kept staring at with the cute child who was speaking to you" I just death stared him,did he have to "Yes Carlo"
"Is she alright she had one nasty bruise a busted lip and the little girl said something about the bad man"
"Carlo you never know when to shut up do you" he just looked at me and shrugged

"Oh my, is she ok does the dear girl need help and child?"now my mother joined back into the conversation I knew it was going to be a long one.
"Your going to make me tell you everything aren't you"
"I mean I don't know much myself I just know her names molly her daughters name is Blake not sure about the dad but I'm pretty sure the bruises are linked with him and that she works at the library"
"Aw poor girl,enzo you promise me right now you do not mess around with this girl there is a child involved and she seems like she has been through a lot just from a small peek into her life"
"I promise I'm not here to mess her around i want it to be more serious" and for the first time this whole dinner my dad spoke up

"Like future Donna,like future mrs Marino" I just looked at him
"I hope so"
"Good son you need somebody in you life to make you smile but like your mother Said it isn't just her involved if you become serious and as it seems like Blake doesn't have a father are you ready to be one enzo because that is nothing to mess around with children get attached,do not mess with a child like that"
"I would never mess around like that dad so don't accuse me like that ,I have a strong connection with Blake so yeah I'm alright with being a dad but that's not even in the equation right now we only have one date ok"
"Ok son"

We all finished our dinner and I headed back home and straight to sleep with one thing on my mind.

Authors note

Bit of a longer one today because there was a lot of new characters coming into the picture.

Do you like the longer chapter or should I keep them shorter?

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