Chapter 22

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Mollys pov

Before enzo came down those stairs Blake asked me a question that I did not expect nor have the answer to "mommy" she said to me "what wrong baby" she looked at me "now that you and enzo are dating can he be my daddy?" I froze what was I supposed to say to that "I would really like him to be" she added on,I didn't know what enzo would think of this.

"Well baby that's a big thing and I know you really like him but I would have to have a very long conversation about it,he might not even want to be a dad" suddenly her bottom lip came out "does he not like me" she said on the verge of tears "of course he does,don't cry,I'll tell you what why don't I have a conversation with him tomorrow"
Blake smiled "ok" I hugged her "but Blake please don't expect a yes from him ok" she looked at me "ok mommy"

I would speak to him tomorrow but I'm not expecting much from it.

Enzos pov

We pulled up outside of the house and I can't lie I was shitting it,but I got out of the car opened Mollys then Blake's door "come on enzo" Blake said to me then held her hand up so I picked her up then put my arm around Mollys waist "you ok" she asked me "Yep".

Molly knocked on the door and almost instantly the door flew open and there stood two men which I'm guessing is her dads "come in" they both said with a smile and stepped aside,they both hugged molly and then turned to me "You must be enzo,it's so nice to meet you" I stuck my hand out for her dad to shake "nice to meet you to".

They both introduced them self's then lead us into the kitchen were another man was, I'm going to take a guess and say it was her brother, he turned around to face me and to look me up and down,I stuck my hand out again and introduced myself,he did the same.

We sat down at the table molly and Blake either side of me,her dads sat across from me and her brother at the bottom of the table "so enzo except from the obvious what do you do" her dad peter said "Erm I own a few club all around and a hospital" this time Elijah her other dad spoke up.

"What hospital" I replied back with "st colbers" Elijah smiled "I work there,I'm a surgeon" I looked at him "how's it treating you" he swallowed his food and put down his fork "good" that didn't sound convincing so I spoke to him "that didn't sound convincing something wrong" he looked a bit hesitant but said "just supply's are quite low we don't have everything we need".

This was new to me "would you mind writing me a list when your free, of stuff that is lacking and I'll look in to it" he smiled "of course".

We finished up eating and Mollys brother finally decided to speak up "are you going to keep her safe" Molly was about to interrupt him but I spoke up "of course" he just nodded at me.

They lead us to the front room where we all was just having conversation until my phone rang,for fuck sake, it was Luca "do you mind if I take this" I asked them "no no go ahead" so I stood up and walked out of the front room and out the door.

"I swear to god Luca what do you want
"Hello to you to brother,just thought I would ring up see how it's going"
"Are you taking the piss out of me Luca I told you not to call me
"About mafia stuff not personal"
"Well I'm going bye" before I hung up he decided to speak as he hadn't annoyed me enough.

"Has the good genes passed on"
"Luca what the fuck are you going on about"
"I mean has molly got a good looking brother,she's a beautiful girl surely if she has sibling they are the same"
"Luca fuck off seriously"
"Well I'll find out soon anyway mamma wants to meet them so see you on Saturday"

He ended the phone before I could reply. What a dick I muttered and went back inside.

"You ok" molly asked me "Yeah good just Luca being Luca" she laughed "I can imagine"

We spent the rest of the night just chatting about different subjects "you know enzo we need to meet you family some day" Peter spoke up "actually about that I'm supposed to asked my mothers invited you all for tea on Saturday,there a lot though so I don't expect you to come" I added on the ended because I didn't want them to think they were obligated to come.

"That would be great molly can text us everything" I gave them a small smile

We stood up said are goodbyes and made our way out of the door "well that went well" molly said to me,I just smiled and pulled her in to my side.

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