Chapter 18

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Mollys pov

I woke up to the sun beaming down on me and a smiling Blake sat on my stomach "good morning mommy what are we doing today" I laughed she always so eager to get started on a day "well baby we are going to meet some people" she looked at me confused "who"
"My daddy, my papa and my brother" she looked shocked for a second "grandad Peter,
grandad Elijah and uncle jake" I smiled to her "Yes"

Even though she had never met them I had always told her stories and promised her she would meet them one day. "Right ok we need to get dressed and ready Enzo is going to pick us up in 2 hours" Blake stood straight to her feet and rushed to get her clothes out.

By the time I had showered both me and Blake, got us ready and feed her breakfast it was coming up to 11 "right we" i was cut of by the sound of enzos voice "tersoro"
"Hey you ready" he said to us "Yep come on Blake"

I text my dad saying that I'm on my way and he text back telling me my brother and papa is there to.

"Tersoro, tonight I have to go to Italy for a week or two and whilst I am there I would like you to do me a favour" I looked at him confused what could he want me to do "Yeah ok what is it" he looked at me "I want you to stay at my house it's go lots of security and it would make me feel a bit more at ease knowing your safe"

"I don't know enzo" he Didn't say anything for a second I was worried I had upset him "ok you don't have to but it would just save you some money and I know the Blake likes the telly" I mean he was right it would save me some money "Yeah ok" he let a breath that he had been holding in "thank you"

As we pulled up the nerves started to sink in "your ok molly,you can do it,I'm so proud of you ok" I turned to look at enzo "Yeah" I muttered back to him "text me when you would like to be picked up ok" "ok,Right Blake come on"

I grabbed Blake,waved bye to enzo and made my way up the steps to the door,Well here goes nothing I knocked on and waited my dad opened the door and just stared for a bit "Molly wow look at you,you are beautiful" just as he finished his sentence he hugged me tight.

"Come on they don't know your here there in the living room" I smiled and held Blake close as I opened the door jake was on his phone showing something to papa and didn't even notice me coming in "hi" both of their heads shot up and jake dropped his phone rushed over to me and gave me the biggest hug ever,I'm glad I put Blake down as I walked in.

He pulled back and just stared "I'm so sorry molly" he grabbed me again and pulled me into a brotherly hug telling me how much he loves me and will never let anybody take me away from the family again.

Then it was papas turn he also hugged me and told me he is happy to have me back and that he tired to find me but he couldn't.

When he finished talking I felt a small set of hand wrap around my fingers I reached down and picked her up "everybody this is Blake my daughter" they were shocked but soon warmed up to the idea of having a grandchild and niece.Blake loved them all,I think she loved the attention she was getting and that made me giggle,she really reminds me of myself as a child.

It was 7'oclock and Blake was getting tired so I sent enzo a quick text and he replied back saying he would be there soon "I'm going to go Blake's tired" dad nodded "but you better make sure you come back" i gigged at him "don't worry how does Thursday sound" he agreed Thursday and I got up with Blake in my arm.

Enzo sent me a text telling me he was outside I told him I would be one minute.i gave Blake to my dad and went over to give my brother a hug he held me tight and told me to text him one day after work and we can spend some time together "bye everybody"

I ran over to enzos car and jumped in "is it ok if I keep Blake in my lap" he looked over at me "Yeah that fine,I went to the hotel,got your things and also got James number for you just in case you needed it" I smiled at him "thank you."

"how was it" he asked me "really good I loved seeing them" he smiled "I'm glad"

He then took me back to his house put Blake in bed,insisted I wear one of his t-shirts to bed and then cuddled with me.

I was lay with my head on his chest whilst he was stroking my hair facing the ceiling "I'm gonna miss you" he said to me "I'm going to miss you to,make sure you come back in one piece and make sure you text me as well" he chuckled "I will don't worry, I'm going in a few hours so I won't be here when you wake up" for some reason that disappointed me knowing I wouldn't wake up to him.

"Ok" I barley managed to speak as I was drifting off to sleep and that's the last thing I remember before my eyes shut.

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