Chapter 31

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Enzos pov

It's the 25th of December and we have been up since the crack of dawn letting Blake open her presents,her smile warmed my heart and I couldn't stop think about how lucky I am and how this time next year we will have another baby who will be about 4 months old.

"Ok Blake we have one more present for you" molly spoke to her whilst grabbing a bag from behind the couch.

"This one is really special" I said to Blake,molly got out her phone and started to record her.

She started taking out the tissue paper "a t-shirt" she said,I could tell she was disappointed as we had made it out a big deal and to her it was just a t-shirt "look what it says" I said to her,she Un folded it "do you need help with reading it princess"

"Nope I'm ok" she slowly started sounding out the words "your going to be a big sister" she took a moment to realise what it meant before she started screaming and jumping up and down.

"Yay I'm so excited" she walked over to Mollys belly and whisper "hi little brother or sister I'm you big sister and I'm going to look after you" my heart melted,she to cute.

We spent until dinner time playing with her new toys but now we are at my mums waiting for Mollys dads and brother to join us so we can tell them.

"We are here" they announced them self's,I went over to them and hugged them,they had banded me from giving them a hand shake,I went over to her brother and gave him a classic bro hug,jake has warmed up to me and now we get along well,the other day he was interested in my business so we have been talking about that.

We all sat down and gave presents and opened them "ok so,me and Enzo have a present for all of you they are about the same thing" molly said to them whilst grabbing 4 sets of grandparent bags,1 auntie bag and 4 uncle bags,they all had a t-shirt and a card telling them of their new status.

"Ok you all need to open them at the same time" I said to them and molly whipped out her phone and started recording them opening it.

Suddenly my mum and sister started screaming,my dad,brothers and jake all had a proud smile on their face and Paul consoling Elijah who was crying.

"Omg congratulations" they all said to us and came up hugging both of us "do you know the gender" my sister questioned "Nope we have a scan Tommrow but we are going to keep the gender a secrete" they all smiled.

We all sat down,ate and talked about different things but the baby was the main conversation.

Blake loved talking about the baby and how she's going to take care of them and beat up anybody who try's to hurt them,I can tell she's going to be a great sister and I'm glad non of this has upset her as I know it can do that to only child when they get siblings.

"Right we are going now,merry Christmas" I said standing up and grabbing a tired Blake,"bye" everybody said,my mum came over to me and hugged me "you should put a ring on it soon and when you do you know you have the choice of the family one" I just nodded at her we had a ring that has been in the family for over 400 years and it always goes to the oldest child in the family for marriage.

We got in the car and drove home.

"I'm so tired" Molly whisper to me whilst getting into bed "do you need anything" I questioned her I was already protective of her and now that she is pregnant with my child even more,because as bad as it sound an enemy of mine would rather take my biology child than my you could say adopted child,they will both mean the same to me no matter what but to my enemy it's different.

In the mafia we don't tend to go for family's you would been seen as a scum,that's just something we don't do but if worse came to worse I know of some people who would.

I climbed into bed and pulled her to me whilst rubbing her belly "I love you" I told her and kissed her on the lips "I love you to" she cuddled into me and fell straight asleep.

Authors note

Omg her saviour is on 20k,honestly I never thought it would get to this point maybe a hundred reads no more but it makes me so happy seeing people read my work and liking it❤️

And honestly I love reading the comments and seeing people's journey with her saviour.

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