Chapter 4

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Enzo pov

It had been a week since seeing them in the cafe and I could not get her out of my mind or her daughter, I felt a need to protect them and I don't know why,I don't care for people so why do I feel the need to care for them! But I did especially after her daughter said about the bad man, I felt pure rage the woman had a black eye and a busted lip I felt the need to kill whoever did that to her.

After they left I rang up max my tech guy and the find information about people I told him to look at the security cameras run a Face ID and find out who she was I told him all I knew that she had a daughter called Blake,he said he was on it and would let me know when he find out the information.

I headed down to the gym to try and blow of some steam. Just as I finished up max walked through the door "boss I've got the information on that woman and her daughter"
I took it out of him hand and sent him a small nod

I had a quick shower and made my way to my office once I sat down I eagerly opened up their files I wanted to know everything about them,because these files would give me everything I needed to know.

Molly Martin:
22 years old
Birthday-24th March 1999
Father-Peter Martin
Stepfather-Elijah Martin
Siblings-jake(older brother)
Daughter-3 years old
Has been in the hospital multiple times with severe injuries told the doctors it's from falling down the stairs.

Blake Martin:
3 years old
Birthday-1st February 2018
Mother-molly Martin
Father-it seems he was on the birth certificate then taken of (Jeff topton)

Molly that's her name,but as I read through this I couldn't help but get angry I knew she hadn't fallen down the stairs and from what Blake said I'm pretty sure I know what went on and I couldn't of been more pissed off about it.

There was a knock on the door "come in" the door slowly opened "can I help you",
"Boss your sister is on the phone" I rolled my eyes that girl "give it here then you can go"
"Yes sister"
"Hey enzo,you know you love me"
"What do you want Bella"
"Well since you asking I guess you could do something for me,I need you to go down to the library and get me pride and prejudice the old version though"
"Why do you need that and why can't you go yourself I'm busy"
"Because they have beautiful copies at that library and mom has asked me to pick up some stuff from the shop and you know it will take forever pleaseeee, I'll love you for forever"
"You love me any ways and fine but you owe me got it"
"Yes, yes,yes thank you so much ok I've got to go but I'll see you late bye"
Before I could say bye she hung up, I made my way out of my office and to the car to get this stupid book.

As I entered the library I saw the old man James who runs the library,he's a nice man who my sister seems to love,he's scared of me but so is everybody else,he try's to be polite with me. "Hello mr Marino,how can I help you today"
Before I could answer a familiar face pops round the corner of the desk "mister" she's ran of her chair and hugged my legs I heard James gasp like he thought I would hurt her. "Hello Blake how are you" I reached down and scoped her up so she was sat in my arms,"I'm good me and James are reading a book and my mommy's putting some books away"
"Your mommy's here"
"Yeah she works here now James gave her a job" she was so cute,she seemed so happy for her mum that she's had got this job,adorable,
"Where is the old version of pride and prejudice, my sister wants to read it" I directed this question toward James
"If you go round the corner and to the right it should be down there but if you can't find it molly is around there" I sent him a nod and made my way round with Blake in my arms.

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