Chapter 36

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Mollys pov

I had picked out this pink long dress that cling to my belly and a pair of flats, enzo had told me to get ready and that he is taking me and Blake out to a restaurant.

Blake is wearing a Black and white suit just like her dad.

"Ok Blake I know I tell you this every time we go out but I'm not as smiley ok and that's to keep all the bad guys away" Enzo explained to Blake whilst he was driving, he does it every time we go out but he says he doesn't want to scare her with the sudden personality change so he warns her about it every time.

"Yes daddy I know" he just chuckled and stops the car, he takes his hand of my thigh which I am not very happy about but continues to get out of the car and open mine and Blake's door "thank you" we both said, he picked up Blake and pulled me into his side.

We walked into the restaurant and immediately a waiter came up to us and sat us in the back,when we sat down enzos had his arms crossed and a mean look on my face,this didn't surprise me but what did was Blake my sweet girl sat there doing the exact same thing,her face was like 'don't mess with me bitch".

The poor waiters hands was shaking and he was struggling to keep hold of the note pad "hi I'm g-going to be your w-w-waiter today what can I get for you" he spoke with a slight stutter "I'll have a water,so will the child and he will have a foster please" I said to him,he nodded his head and walked away fast.

"Your both scaring the poor lad he looks about 17" I told them "tersoro" he was going to speak but Blake interrupted him "mum I'm sure you heard the talk that daddy gave me if not please listen next time" I was shocked to say the least.

"Here are you drinks" he said whilst putting them down "are you r-ready to order" he questioned "yes thank you,we will have kids chicken nuggets,steak medium rare and I'll have tomato pasta please" he quickly wrote it down then ran off.

From the table that was beside me I could hear the conversation and it was making my heart break "listen here you little bitch,I don't care about what you think, if that child your having isn't a boy I swear that you will not be having a child anymore I'll make sure of it" this man spoke harshly to this girl.

He look about 30-36 and she look only about 18-20,I was fuming absolutely raging I knew what it was like to be in that situation so I know the dos and don't "Enzo,kill that man" he nearly spat out his drink "what why" he questioned because he knew it was not like me to say that,so I repeated all of what the man said,no no no not a man a boy,a man would never treat a woman with such disrespect.

Enzo was angry to,I was going to save this girl no matter what it took.

The boy that she is with got up to go to the toilet,now I know that she's been in this abusive relationship for a while,if she hadn't of been with him for a while and he would not of been ok leaving her here knowing she has a chance to escape but because he has In forced so much fear into her,he now know she won't.

"Excuse me,I'm going to say this fast, I know what your going through I overheard and I've been through it myself and i know how scary it is to be on your own so please,my fiancée and I can help please let me do this" I spoke to her.

her eyes filtered over to enzo and shock was written over her face obviously knowing who he is "Erm I" she stuttered "he will take care of that boy and I will make sure you and your baby are safe" I spoke softly to her,a tear dripped down her face and she nodded her head very fast.

I also now know that she is desperate otherwise she wouldn't of said yes so fast,but I'm glad she did.

The men bathroom door opened so I quickly grabbed hers and Blake's hand and rushed out the door,I heard the man shout but then sudden silence,I turned around and saw enzo gripping his shirt and punching his face,there was a black van park outside the restaurant and I'm going to guess that's for that guy in there.

I let the girl step into the car then I jumped in and so did Blake.

The girl was shaking she I grabbed one of enzos jumpers out the back and put it on her,I could see the fear in her face but also the relief that I could only guess came from seeing another woman and being way from him.

"My names molly and this is my daughter Blake" I said turning my body toward her, blake had fell asleep but I still wanted to introduce her "Can I ask what your name is don't be pressured to tell me anything though" I spoke to her softly.

"Daisy"she whisper "daisy that's a beautiful name,and how old are you daisy" she looked at me "18" my heart sunk,I could see she was fighting back the tears,I opened my arms for her and she fell into them and started sobbing.

I was stroking her hair and then suddenly she climbed into my lap like Blake does, I just cradled her in my arms until her sobs slowly stoped and I felt her fall asleep, I had heard about this before abuse victim or anybody with very bad trauma can be forced into a child like mind set.

Enzo jumped into the car "is she ok" he questioned "Nope but I'm going to get her help" I said to him "we will get her a councillor,I'll see if I can find any of her family and we will make sure she and her baby,if she wants to keep it are supported with enough money and a house for them" enzo said to me whilst he started driving.

"God I hope she has some loving family out there".

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