Chapter 9

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Enzo pov

"Enzo,enzo,enzo wake up" I slowly opened up my eyes to see Blake sat on my chest smiling at me."good morning princess" I said to her and looked over to see molly still asleep. "What are you doing here enzo" as she was speaking I sat up against the do you tell a child you stayed over because her mum was upset "well I just decided to have a sleepover so I could surprise you In the morning" Yeah I think she will fall for that right I looked over to my phone and saw it was 7:00am "what time do you normally wake up at princess" she thought for a second then answered "9:00am but I just got really excited when I saw you" I just smiled at her "right shall we go back to sleep for a bit and then when your mommy wakes up I'll take you both out to get some breakfast" she yawned and nodded at me,i laid back down with Blake on my chest and pulled molly closer to me so I had an arm around them both then fell back to sleep.

"Yeah me and James drew some pictures of trees,oh enzo" I looked down and saw Blake lay on my chest with her face facing her mum talking to her and molly cuddling into my side with my arm around her,now I could get used to this.

Molly spoke this time "Oh your awake" she looked down at herself in my arms and tried to move but I just pulled her back and smiled reassurance at her, "mommy enzo said that we would take us out for breakfast" Blake smiled at her "wait when did you two speak,Blake I hope you didn't wake him up" Molly said with a confused look in her face "Yeah she did but it's fine she was just excited to see me" Blake just looked and agreed with me.

We spent the next 20 minutes just cuddling until Blake said she was hungry,So I told them to get ready and that I had spare clothes in my car;that I will just go and get them, on the way back from grabbing my clothes my phone rang it was my mum "hello"
"Hello baby,how are you"
"I'm good mum how are you"
"I'm good I'm just wondering where you are"
"I'm out what's wrong"
"With a certain Molly and Blake" I Huffed
"Yes mum I'm with them"
"Is she and Blake ok"
"Yeah they are good I'm just going to take them to get food"
"Ok well remember on Friday we are all getting together"

once a month no matter what me,mum,dad and all the siblings get together even if we have all ready been together that month and then another day of the month all aunties,uncles,cousin, grandparents everybody gets together and there is no excuses not to come and Friday was that day.

"Yeah mum I know"
"You should bring the girls"
"Absolutely not they will all scare her,maybe I will bring her to our inner circle gathering next month if she's up for it and mum"
"Yes son"
"Please do not bring them up at this party not yet anyway"
"Ok but nothing is stopping me at the next ok"
"Ok love you"
"Love you to" and then she ended the phone just as I walked into the apartment.

"Who was that" Molly said to me "just my mum,she's just reminding me of a family event we have every month with everybody in the whole family" I said to her as I started unbuttoning my shirt that I had chucked on to go outside "oh that must be nice"
"Yeah chaotic but nice" she just laughed at me "ok well we are ready" she grabbed her purse but I stopped her "why do you need your purse" she looked up at me "Well I'm not letting you pay again enzo"
"Darling what did I say you won't pay for anything I can promise you that now"
She looked like she wanted to argue with me but dropped it.

We sat down in a cafe that I went to quite a lot. I ordered a full English, Blake ordered pancakes and Molly ordered a breakfast wrap,whilst we was waiting Molly spoke up "what do you actually do enzo I've never asked" I knew I would have to tell her the full truth soon but I wasn't going to do this in front of her daughter and whilst we was in a public area "I own a few different companies" she looked at me like she could tell I was lying but replied back with an ok.

Me and molly finished eating we was just waiting for Blake to finish her pancakes "you know my mum was actually asking about you" I told her I felt a need to,don't know why
"What" she's said so confused "Yeah she was asking me to bring you and Blake to that family event on Friday" I told her "wait how does she know about me and Blake"
"I told her about you two"
"Oh ok" and that was the end of the conversation.

As we was in the car my phone rang I had to answer it because it was Leonardo so I quickly answered it and said "Leonardo sono in macchina con altre persone ed è in vivavoce quindi parla Italiano" I said to him not knowing what he needed.
(I'm in the car with other people and it's on speaker so speak Italian)

(ps I'm so sorry if this is wrong I don't know Italian so it's from google translate)

"Ah non è niente di male è solo che tuna mamma vuole che ti convinca a portare la futura Donna e Blake venerdì"(ah it's nothing bad it's just your mum wants me to convince you to bring future Donna and Blake on Friday)

I shook my head that woman can never take no as an answer "le ho già detto di no, sarà troppo opprimente per lei" (I already told her no it will be to overwhelming for her)

He replied back saying "beh, hai chiesto a molly" (we'll have you asked molly) he was right I haven't, but I just know that when we get together we are loud and overbearing.
I replied back telling him no.

"Allora chiediglielo" (Right then ask her)

"Va bene per l'amor di Dio" (fine for god sake) before he could say anything I ended the phone.

Molly just looked at me and asked me if I was ok she's probably surprised,she obviously doesn't know that I'm Italian as she doesn't know i run the biggest mafia.

"Yeah I'm fine just my best friend"
"Why were you speaking about me and Blake" well she wasn't stupid their names are still the same in a different language.
"Erm well you know before when I was talking about that event on Friday and my mum told me to bring you and Blake, yeah well she got leonardo to ring me and try and convince me but I don't want to overwhelm you as those events are a lot but i got told I have to ask"she just looked at me for a few seconds like she was thinking.

"Why does you mum want us to come so bad"
"I think she is just excited that I like somebody and are committed"she froze
"You like me" she question and this made me chuckle for some odd reason
"Of course I do have you seen yourself you are beautiful and you have an amazing daughter" I finished my sentence as we pulled up to the hotel and she started to tear up I thought I had made her upset "I didn't mean to make you upset,I'm sorry"
"No no no you didn't make me upset I'm just happy" I smiled at her
"Oh thank god, but I need to tell you something molly,is there a possibility we can take Blake to James so I can speak to you privately" she looked worried "Erm Yeah I can go and take her to him"
"Ok sweetheart I'll meet you up there but promise me something"
"You won't hate me after"

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