Chapter 32

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Mollys pov

"Yeah there are some more juices in the fridge" I said to enzo.

I'm getting out her birthday cake one side of it is Black and has boxing gloves on it and the other side is one direction,a very odd combination I know,all the family is outside and waiting.

"Happy birthday to you" we all started singing happy birthday to Blake whilst she had the biggest smile on her face,she blew out her candles and made a wish.

"Ok who wants some cake" everybody said yes and I went over to the table to cut it all "do you need help tersoro" enzo asked me coming up behind me and wrapping his around around my stomach "Yes get the plates and put them out."

He jogged off and came back with a pack of plastic plates "ok everybody cake" I shouted to everybody.

I'm currently sat nervously in the waiting room and this was the memory that I was taken back to 2 weeks ago Blake's birthday, it's now the 14th of February and I'm waiting for an ultra sound,enzo was sat next to me holding me hand and once in a while kissing the back of my hand.

"Miss martin" the lady shouted from her open door,me and Enzo stood up and made our way into the room "Hi it's nice to see you again molly,how have you been" my midwife said to me she explained at my first scan that she would take me all the way up to birth and birth my baby in the delivery room,so I just call her my midwife.

"I've been good,the sickness has nearly completely gone" I smiled to her "that great,now can you Lie down,lift you top up and pull your leggings down abit" she asked me politely,so I did,enzo grabbed my hand and stared up at the screen.

"This is going to be cold" she said whilst putting in the gel,she took out the wand to the ultra sound machine and started moving around,there I could see my baby she clicked a button and you could hear the whoosh sound "wow" Enzo faintly said "they are so beautiful" I said to nobody in particular.

"Would you like some copies" my midwife asked us "yes please 3" I said to her,one for me and Enzo,one for my dads because enzos family got the other one and one for Blake she insists on a copy every week and will fall asleep with it.

I got up off the bed and we got into the car and made our way home.

"Get ready we are going out" enzo said to me I looked at him in surprise but went upstairs and changed into this red dress with a cross over back and a pair of small heals.

"Ok I'm ready" enzo was stood in a suit,he walked over and grabbed my hand "you look beautiful" I smiled "thank you,you don't look to bad yourself" he chuckled and we walked out of the door hand in hand.

We got seated in the restaurant,the waiter took our order and now we are eating it "how come we are going out" I questioned him,he seemed really nervous and on edge "no reason just wanted you treat you whilst Blake's sleeping at my mums" I smiled he's kind.

We ate our meal,enzo paid for it and now we are in the car on the way home,he had a hand on my thigh but I couldn't shake the fact that he looked really unsettled and nervous,I was going to question him about it but we pulled up to the gate and into the drive way.

He got out of the car and made his way over to my door and opened it for me.

He grabbed my hand and walked me to the door, to say I was shocked was and understatement all the lights were off but there is red and white rose petals with candles leading to the front room "enzo what is this" I turned around and smiled at him "follow the trail" he said to me and I started walking to the front room door and opened it.

I gasped the room was filled with candles,rose petals and balloons that had pictures of us tied around the string of it,tears started to roll down my face this was amazing, I turned around and the sight in front of me left me shocked.

Enzo down on one knee with a box and a ring inside of it.

"Molly you and Blake are the best thing to come into my life,I can't believe the joy and excitement that you give me everyday,you are so beautiful no matter what,I could not think of not having you in my life or Blake I'm so happy that your having my baby and that we can be a big happy family together" at this point I was sobbing my eyes out.

"So therefore molly Martin will you do me the honour and make me the luckiest man alive by marrying me"

I was in an absolute state "yes!" He jumped up just as I jumped on him,I kissed him passionately and he slipped the ring on my finger, it was beautiful it had three emerald green diamonds,one bigger and two smaller next to it that complimented it so well and it was on a sliver small band.

"omg enzo it's beautiful" I said to him with tears still rolling down my face "it's been in the family for a long time,I knew you would like it" he said to me and then kissed me again.

Wow how did I become so lucky.

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