Chapter 15

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Mollys pov

It was know Friday morning, enzo sent me a text message telling me it doesn't start until 6pm but he wanted me and him to spend some time together so I sent him back an ok and asked James if he would be ok watching Blake for a few hours he agreed straight away.

Just as I finished up getting ready there was a knock at the door so I opened it there he was stood handsome as ever "hey" he replied back "hey, so I was thinking of some breakfast and then shopping if you would like" I mean I don't have money to be buying things for myself but I'll grab Blake a t-shirt or two "yeah that sounds good"
"Ok,you look beautiful by the way" I was wearing a red sun dress that came up to my mid thighs that had white flowers decorated all over and I paired this with some white socks and white air forces.

"Thank you" I locked the door and we made our way out into the car and to a small cafe about 10 minutes away "so molly tell me everything about you" he smiled and I laughed

"Erm well my birthday is 24th March,my favourite colour is red,favourite food is probably fried chicken,I grew up in Manchester,I have 2 dads and an older brother called jake and my favourite animal is a monkey"

"I'll remember that" I laughed "I hope you do" we then sat there eating whilst making small talk "Enzo" he just hummed letting me know that he had heard me "are there supposed to be men in black suits that follow us around" he looked up at me "Yeah just taking precautions"

We entered the the busy shopping centre,I hadn't been in a very crowed place for long so I kind of got tense "you ok tesoro" I looked at him "Yeah I'm fine" that's a new nickname,not that I didn't like it I just had no clue what it meant.

After walking around for a bit we came across a cute shop so we decided to go in.I picked up a t-shirt for Blake but nothing for me,I mean there was load of stuff I liked but I didn't like the price tag of it I'll tell you that "tesoro is there nothing you like"
"No" I knew he knew I was lying "don't lie to me molly why aren't you getting anything"
I shook my head "I don't know if you know this enzo but I am living in a hotel with a 3 year old, I am not my priority Blake is"

I said that a bit more aggressive that I meant for it to come off "tersoro What are you talking about, you wasn't going to be paying in the first place I've got money, I'm paying so go and get what you want" I huffed "Enzo I'm not spending anymore of you money"

"Can I touch you" he said to me "Erm Yeah" after I said that he grabbed my waist and pulled me back until this chest was against my back,l was so confused until he folded back the top of my dress "right know I know your size so if you don't pick something yourself I'll get it" I rolled my eyes

"But enzo, you already payed for food" he looked at me like I was a lunatic and started search the racks "so" now I looked at him like a lunatic "what do you mean so"
"I mean it doesn't matter,I'm always going to spend money on you"

he picked up 5 t-shirts,4 dresses, 3 pairs of leggings,3 pairs of jeans for me,then some for Blake as well "do you want anything else" I stared at him "no thank you" he went up to the till and payed the lady,giving her no attention when she was trying to shove her boobs in his face.

"You didn't have to do that" he looked at me "I know but I wanted to,can I hold your hand" he was being very touchy today "Yeah" he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers "come on I should get you home I've got to get changed but I'll pick you up at 5:45 ok"
"Ok do I need to wear a certain thing"
"Nope what your wearing now if perfect but you can change if you want"

he drove me back and kissed me on the forehead before I went up to go and get Blake from James.

Authors note

Thank you so much for 1k reads, it means a lot to me knowing that people are enjoying her saviour❤️

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