Chapter 16

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Enzos pov

"And I'm telling you klaus and Caroline were end game"
"Definitely" my sister Bella replied back to Antonio, I was currently sat in my mother's kitchen as she was finishing up cooking things for this event,it was held at my nonna's like usual.

"I'm so excited so see molly and Blake" my mother said to me "you already have"
"Yes I know but properly" I just started wrapping up some of the food she had made.

"your Nonna is so excited to meet them you know" Yep she had told her about it,this time dad chirped in "I'm not surprised,she's been wanting him to settle down since he was 14" everybody then laughed "right I'm going I need to go and pick them up but please guys tone it down and please tell nonna not to be shoving a ring on her finger when she walked through the door"

I left before anybody could reply and jumped in my car. I was worried they were all going to scare her or Blake they are a lot,I've never brought anybody to meet them and I wouldn't unless I was planning to be with them forever, I know it sounds like a lot for not knowing her long but you just have to know when they are the one.

As a family,relationships are not something we mess with, you would never see any of the men treating the woman bad,as my nonna says if you wouldn't get on your knees and worship her then she isn't the one.

I pulled up to the hotel and made my way up the stairs, I don't like her living here and I would ask her to live at mine but I know she wouldn't. I knocked on the door and waited "come in" i heard molly shout,I opened the door to see Blake sat on the bed with molly behind her platting her hair "you two look beautiful" at the same time they both replied back "thank you" molly said "i know" Blake said.

"Right,we are ready" they got up off the bed and put on their shoes,I grabbed molly by the waist and pulled her to me "how are you feeling tersoro" she rested her head on my chest "I'm good."

Blake was already at the door "Enzo are you family nice" I looked at Blake staring up at me "Yep there very loud though and might give you hugs and kisses on the cheek but tell me if you don't like it ok" she just smiled and grabbed my hand as I grabbed Mollys.

I pulled up to my nonnas house,there were cars everywhere and you could hear the loud talking from the back garden in the car,I turned to face molly "are you sure" she looked at me "Yes I'm sure but remember what I said only an hour Blake will get tired"
"Yeah I remember only an hour,don't worry tersoro"

I Hopped out of the car and opened Blake's door "you ready princess"
"Yep,can you carry me" I smiled "of course I can" so I picked her up and walked round to molly who was just stood there,I wrapped my spare arm around her waist and we started to make our way up to the door,whilst I was thinking about what could possible happen.

Authors note

Thank you once again for 2k reads❤️love you guys who are reading❤️

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