Chapter 24

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Mollys pov

We was in the car driving to enzos parents house, I had text my dads and brother the addresses.

All I could think about was how happy Blake was,any time she had the chance to she would call him dad and it made me chuckle "you ok tersoro" enzo asked me as he put a hand on my thigh "Yeah I'm just happy" he smiled back "I'm glad,this is going to be chaotic" I laughed because I knew he was right "I know" .

As we entered through the door you could already hear chatting we walked into the dining room to see my family and enzos all chatting together "oh molly there you are" enzos sister Bella said rushing over to me and giving me a hug then bending down to speak to Blake.

We all hugged and spoke for a while until enzos mother Gabriella came out with all of the food but I couldn't help see that me brother and Luca kept on staring at each other, I'll ask jake about that later, maybe he likes him?

Enzos dad alessandro decided to speak up whilst we was eating "so peter and Elijah what do you do" dad(peter) spoke up first "I'm a children's psychologist".
"Wow impressive,must be a hard job though" Gabriella said "Yeah it can be tough hearing the horrible things children go through but I love it"

"And you Elijah" Alessandro questioned "I'm a surgeon at st colbers" Elijah said "must have steady hands then" Carlo joked "Yep".

The rest of the dinner we just spent just chatting away then we decided to have a fire outside "Molly I said I would clean the dishes so you wanna help out" enzo asked me "Yeah that's fine,Blake be a good girl ok I'm just going cleaning up" she nodded and we made our way to the kitchen.

Blake's pov

I was sat on one of the big girl chairs talking to everybody about today "Yeah and then mommy went out and me and daddy went swimming I can swim very good now" once I had finished my sentence uncle jake started coughing and everybody looked at me shocked.

"Yeah and then we watched telly" they all still looked shocked but then daddy's mommy started smiling "are you guys ok" I asked them they just nodded,then daddy's dad asked me "dad,that's exciting" I smiled "Yep I asked mommy the other day if he can be my daddy,then she said I don't know if he wants to,then I got upset because I thought daddy didn't like me but of course me likes me;then he took me swimming to day and said he would love to be my daddy"

I smiled "oh wow" grandad peter said to me "I think he is very lucky" then they all started laughing I don't know why,I just said he is lucky to have me as his daughter.

Enzos pov

Molly was just finishing up then told me she needed the toilet and that I should just head back out so I did, when I made it out everybody was looking at me they were trying to make it subtle but they are not very good at it.

"Where's mommy" Blake asked me "she just gone to the toilet" Blake then climbed into my lap to rest her head,"I'll head back home once molly is done because she falling asleep."

"I'm proud of you boy" my dad just randomly spoke up "why" I questioned him "your a dad no?" I smiled "Yep" my dad just nodded at me "ok" so that's why everybody was looking at me funnily, Blake must of told them.

Molly appeared next to me and I put an arm around her,then kissed her forehead "right we are going to go" I said to mine and Blake's family,We said our goodbyes and walked out to the car.

"Blake told them" I said to molly once we had got into the car "about you being a dad" I smiled "Yep" she just smiled back.

We arrived home and jumped straight into bed, "Tommrow what are you doing" molly asked me "Erm just some paper work at home,why" she she's cuddled into me more "doesn't matter" she said "well now it does, tell me why" I asked her pulling her head up to look at me "I was just going to say you could look after Blake if you wanted but your doing work so it doesn't matter" she said to me "she can stay home don't worry about it"

Molly looked a bit surprised "are you sure" I smiled to her "of course I am"

Authors note

Sorry for so many pov changed I just wanted you guys to know about all different sides of the story❤️

Thank you for everybody who is reading,have a good day.

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