Authors note

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Wow what a journey this has been,honestly I never thought her saviour would get as many reads as it has I am Beyond grateful for every single one of you. Thank you for taking your time to read to her saviour because I know there are plenty of better books out there you could of read.

But I love you guys for reading this❤️

So thank you❤️

Her saviour may be over but Blake's journey is not!

I'm excited to say Blake will be getting her own book,she will be an adult and it will be about her life and a romance in her life.

I wasn't quite ready for the end of these characters and I had an idea of what I wanted Blake's adult life to be about.

It will be able to be read as a stand alone but if you have read all of her saviour you will be able to pick up on some small things.

Available on the 4th October 2021.

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