Chapter 29

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Mollys pov

2 weeks later

I feel awful, I'm currently slumped over the toilet seat throwing up for the 20th time this week.

Enzos at work and Blake is at my dads so I'm on my own feeling like death.


"Hello" I said into my phone not even looking who it is
"Molly you ok" Chelsea asked me
"No,but it doesn't matter why you ring me" I asked her feeling another wave of nausea come over me
"I just wanted to see what you was doing but tell me how your not feeling well" Chelsea said to me with concern laced in her voice
"I feel so hot,I've been throwing up and I can't seem to keep anything down" I told her honestly.

Chelsea is training to be a nurse so I'm hoping she has some answers
"Well I've got a few things in mind"
"Ok go ahead"
"Do you feel dizzy"
"Well if I put this with your other symptoms I may know"
"When was the last time you had you period"
"I don't know" I answered back not even thinking about what she meant.

"Is it possible your pregnant"
"I-I Erm I maybe I don't know"

I started hyperventilating last time I was pregnant it wasn't a good time for me,my mind started racing with the what ifs.

What if enzo kicks us out?

What is he doesn't want it?

Before I could carry on Chelsea Interrupted me
"Don't over think it molly,I'll come over with some test ok"
"Ok,be quick please"
"Ok bye" she ended the phone and I peeled myself off the bathroom floor and forced myself to get down stairs and wait for Chelsea.

20 minutes later Chelsea walked through the door and we made our way to the bathroom.

"Ok I've got three different kinds,take one of them all just so we can be sure" she said to me whilst giving me a big hug, I'm glad she is here with me.

I peed on all 3 sticks and now we are waiting "what if I'm pregnant" I asked Chelsea
"Then I'm sure enzo is going to be the happiest man alive" I chuckled,but I mean she Right he said he wanted another child but he could of not meant that.

"Ok the 3 minutes is up do you want to check or me" Chelsea said "you" I grabbed her hand and held it tight "ok 3..2...1" she flipped them round, I wasn't looking but I decided to take a peak when all I heard was silence.

I let out a small gasp "oh my god" there it was 2 set of 2 lines and a pregnancy test that said pregnant 2-3 weeks pregnant, I felt tears drip down my face I think they are happy tears "omg congratulations" Chelsea grabbed me into a big hug.

Chelsea spent the rest of the day with me just watching film, I was worried about when enzo was coming back, Blake was staying over at my dads so I didn't need to worry about interruptions whilst speaking to him.

I heard a car pull up outside "your going to be ok, call me if you need me" Chelsea grabbed her things from besides her and put the 3 test into my hand, I walked her to the door and waved goodbye just in time for enzo walking through the door.

"Hello tersoro" he said to me whilst walking through the door and setting down his things "Hi" I said back "Are you ok,I know you've been ill" he said, enzo really didn't want to go to work today and leave me on my own but I forced him.

"Erm I need to speak to you" I needed to do this now before I back out "Yeah ok what's wrong" he questions and I lead him to the front room and sat down on the couch,he positioned him self in front of me and without any warning I threw the test at him and hid myself under the blanket.

I was under there for what felt like hours, I popped my head out because I was getting worried only to see him with tears down his face and the biggest smile on his face "your pregnant" he whispered I nodded my head and he grabbed me,pulled me into a hug "I'm going to be a dad to another child" he whisper softly "Yeah you are" I smiled at him knowing he was happy.

He picked me up and span me around in his arm "I love you so much" he told me "I love you to"

He put me down and kissed me again "everybody is going to be so happy" he smiled "wow hold up we ain't telling anybody yet" I said to him "what why not" he questioned me "because you supposed to wait a while,I want to tell Blake first but on Christmas that's just over a week away" he huffed "ok".

We had made our way up to the bedroom and into bed cuddling, we are deciding what to watch lucifer,Peaky blinders or money heist now there all my favourite so I'm just waiting on enzo to pick.

"I was scared you know" I whisper to him "why" he looked down at me "because last time I was pregnant there was nobody around me who was happy about it,and I didn't know how you was going to react" he sighed "Molly don't worry about that I'm here now you and Blake are the best thing to happen to me and I want loads of children running around,I'm always going to provide for you and my children no matter" I smiled and kissed him "I know"

"Tommrow we are going out You, me and Blake" he said whilst putting on lucifer "we also need to get the Christmas tree so,Christmas then going out"

He nodded and I cuddled into him.

Authors note

It is crazy to me how many reads her saviour is getting,thank you for all for reading, I love you all❤️

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