Chapter 5

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Mollys pov

I've been working at the library for a week now and it's great,me and Blake are still living in the hotel but I'm hoping to get a small apartment soon until I can save up for a bigger one. All this week I could not stop thinking about that man it was like he was printed in my head I don't know who he is but he looks dangerous so I'm going to keep clear and focus on Blake.

It was currently Tuesday and I was working in the back of the library when Blake came along "mommy mommy look who is here"I turned around fast to see who it was and it was the man from the cafe who has been on my mind all week.
"Erm hello" I said and he let out a small chuckle
"Hello molly,I came here looking for the old pride and prejudice,would you mind showing me where it is" I froze for a second how did he know my name maybe James told him or even Blake
"Yeah follow me" I started to lead him to where it was I was also very confused on why he was carrying Blake and yes she is loud and welcoming to people but is not a big fan of being picked up by anyone but me I guess he just has a charm.

"How rude of me I never introduced myself my name is enzo" I looked back at him and smiled
"Nice name enzo,I hope you don't mind me asking but you don't seem like the type of person to read, is it for you?"
"No not for me it's for my sister"
"Makes more sense,ok here we are pride and prejudice the old version"
"Thank you very much molly" when he said my name it made a shiver run down my spine,I was stuck for words so I just smiled at him and he continued to look at me
"This may seem very straight forward but I would like to take you on a date molly, if you up for it"

I mean come on who wouldn't want to go on a date with this gorgeous looking specimen but I knew I couldn't for one who would look after Blake and for two he was probably just as bad as Jeff "that's very nice but I would have nobody to look after Blake"
"Blake is welcome to come to I would love both of you company" shit what am I supposed to say now, this is just a trick just to rope me in and lock me down like Jeff did
"Erm I don't know"

Blake's pov

Time to play matchmaker I maybe be 3 but I'm not stupid
"Please mommy please I really want to go,it will be so much fun" i smiled at her and she just looked at me with a huff and a defeated look on her face she said "ok but I want to know exactly where we are going and I want to be back early"  I smiled my job is complete.

Mollys pov

She knew what she was doing! But I mean I can trust Blake's judgement I hope, he smiled at me "ok are you free Friday,I can pick you up at 4:00 pm we can go to bowling for an hour and after I'll book us at a restaurant should be back around 7:00 pm,7:45 the latest"
"Erm Yeah sure you can pick us up from here ok"
"Yeah that's perfect" he gave Blake a kiss on the forehead put her down then give me a piece of paper with his phone number on "text me ok" I gave him a small nod he looked reluctant but reached over and gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked out.

"Yay I'm so excited" I just looked down at Blake and smiled maybe this won't be to bad.

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