Chapter 19

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Enzos pov

I was currently sat on my private jet stressing out,I always knew Carlo didn't want to be 3rd in command,he wanted to just be an associate have his own business,so the other week when he told me he wanted out it wasn't much of a surprise but it did really mess up things.

Now normally in the mafia the only way out is death but he's my brother that isnt going to happen,Luca on the other hand had always begged me to be involved but when I took over he was only 17 and I said no but now he is 21 the age I took over,he's mature and dedicated so I told him if he comes on the trip to Italy isn't a pain in the arse and works as he would work being my third in command he could have the job.

So I'm stressing out its not his first job ever but it's his first one as my third in command,I think he will do well but I've still got to wary about it,I know I'll give him the job but this is just for me to have more confidences in him.

"So brother tell me what's up with you" I only spared him a quick glance "nothing Luca"
"I don't believe you but I'll move on" that's what I like about Luca he just waits for you to speak to him and not force you to do it but he does like to speak a lot.

"Leonardo do you think there will be any fit lads lying around" Leonardo just looked at him and laughed "I'm sure there will be" Yeah Luca likes men well I mean that's a bit of an understatement he loves men "Remember we are here for work nothing more"
I said to Luca "oh stop with the act you know full well if you wasn't with molly you would find a girl and you also know full well Leonardo will find a fit woman and get laid"

I mean he wasn't lying,I decided not to correct him in what he said about being with molly I'm planing on asking her to be my girlfriend just after Italy. After that we all decided to take a nap before my phone rang and woke me up.
(Bold him normal font Molly)

"Hey enzo we have just woken up wanted to check in on you" I smiled
"I'm fine how are you"
"Good,one second Blake wants to say hi to you"
"Hiiiiiiiii enzo" I chuckled which got me a look of my brother and Leonardo
"How are you princess"
"I'm good,I wanted to wear one of you t-shirts but mommy said I had to ask first"
"You don't need to ask of course you can wear one,might be big though"
"Ok thank you" I heard her little footsteps run off
"She has been asking all morning to speak to you"

I was about to reply back when the co-captain interrupted me "we are landing in two minutes boss" I sent him a nod and he hurried off quickly

"Tell her I miss her already and I miss you to,but I have to go I'll call you later"
"Ok, I miss you to bye"

I ended the phone and put it back in my suit pocket.

Once we landed we got into the black suv straight away and headed to the house complex I owned it's like 3 houses in one,there all separate but it's only us around in the massive area "right get some sleep because I want to go to the ware house in a few hours,set a 4 hour alarm and be out here on time"

"Alright" they both said to me before going off in different direction to the house they were staying at.

I made my way into the house and straight up to the bed but I couldn't stop think about how there is so many spare rooms and now one of them would be for Blake,I hope that more of them will be for my other children.

Authors note❤️

Thank you so much for 4K reads,it's crazy to me that so many people have read her saviour,it means a lot.

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