Chapter 34

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Mollys pov

I've been in a rush this morning Blake will be back in 20 minutes and for some reason enzos whole family wants to come at 9 o'clock in the morning,I'm also planning to tell them about the news.

"ENZO GET THE DOOR" I shouted to him, as I'm just finishing up my hair. I hid my hand behind my back and made my way down the stairs "mommy" Blake shouted to me "hey baby,did you have a fun time" I asked her "Yep we made pasta from scratch it was nice" she smiled "wow that sounds fun"

"Ok everybody me and molly have an announcement"enzo said to them and they all quietened down,I whip my hand from around my back to show the ring "we're getting married" enzo said,the whole room erupted in noise "congratulations" they all said to us.

"Wait guys one sec please don't tell anybody else yet I need to tell my dads and brother" I said to them I wouldn't want my family finding out by anybody but me,they all agreed.

"HELLO" somebody shouted from the door I recognised the voice being my dad peter,
him my other dad and brother all came sauntering into the front room "oh hello we didn't know anybody else was here we just wanted to pop in and say hello"

"That's ok I needed to see you anyway,we have got something to tell you" I said to them a bit nervously "oh ok what is it" Elijah said "we're getting married" enzo said I did the same thing with showing them my ring.

We all hugged and they said their congratulations.

Everybody decided to stay for a while but I was really wanting to call Chloe so I slipped away into the bedroom. Bold-c normal-m


Heyyyy what's up
Hi Chloe, how are you doing
I'm good thank and you
I'm great we need to meet up soon
Yes we do
I've got something to tell you
Ok what is it
I'm getting married

Straight away after I told her a loud scream came from the phone nearly deafening me

OMG congrats babe I'm so excited for you
Thank youuuu, I mean we don't even have a date set yet but I know your defiantly going to be my brides maid, she squealed
Omg yes I'm so excited

We both had a laugh before I said that I had to get back to everybody.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen were enzos mum and my dad Elijah are making food,all of a sudden I felt a set of arms snake around me and a head on my shoulder "where did you sneak off to" Enzo kissed the side of my neck "I just called Chloe,told her the news" I said to him.

"Was she happy" he questioned "very" he turned me around to face him then put his hand on my stomach "and how is our baby doing" I giggled "very good" he smiled to me then leaned down and pecked my lips,"I love you" I said to him "I love you to".

"Right who is ready for some food" enzos mum said to us.

"This is amazing" I said whilst eating the pasta "thank you molly" I carried on eating but then I felt a hand on my thigh,I look at enzo and he had a small smirk on his face, I turned back around "mommy can I have my baby brother or sister yet" everybody laughed "no baby we still have to wait many months" she sulked.

As I finished my sentence I felt his hand go higher up on my bare leg,I'm wearing a dress,I put my hand on top of his and pushed it down but it just edged higher "so have you guys thought about any names yet" Bella asked "no not yet" they nodded their heads.

Enzo then decided that was a good time to edge his hand up higher so now it was right on my underwear,this guy has got some balls!

Just as his hand went to the front of my underwear I stood up and started collecting plates "we are going to head of now congratulations again" my side of the family said "yeah us to" enzos side of the family added in "ok thank you for coming" we said our goodbye and I made my way back to the kitchen to clean up.

"I've put Blake into bed" enzo said coming up behind me and putting his hands on my waist "thank you" he kissed my cheek "and don't think I forgot about your actions tonight" he kissed me on the lips "I don't expect you to forget" he kissed my lips one more time and I started to walk away until I felt a slap on my arse.

I spun around to look and enzo,he had an innocent look on his face "what" he questioned, I laughed "you know what."

Authors note

I seriously don't understand how we are on 30k,wow,thank you for reading❤️

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