New City, New Life

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Chicago's night life was just starting to heat up when I arrived in my new city. I stepped out of my Shelby GT500 mustang. A young gentleman walked up to me dressed in the hotel's uniform.

"I can park your car for you miss." He couldn't of been even out of high school yet he looked so young. Or was I just getting old? I shuddered as I handed him my key and a $100 for his tip. But I don't think he noticed yet.

"Not a scratch." I glance down at his name tag. "Levi."

"Don't worry ma'am. I'll take good care of her."

I shuddered when he called me ma'am. I know he is just being polite but it still made feel old. Levi unloaded my bags from my trunk before hopping into to go park my baby.

Another hotel employee had come out to grab my bags. This gentleman was older and taller than me with grey hair. He walked up to the front desk so I could check-in.

A red head at the front desk made eye contract with me as I approached. "Welcome to the Elms hotel! How can I help you?"

Why is everyone so bubbly around here?

"Hi yes. I have a reservation under Lane. Katherine Lane." She began to type away on her computer to find my reservation.

"Yes Ms. Lane. I have your reservation right here." She made a few more clicks and then handed me my room keys.

"Thank you Allison." I think she may of been a little shocked that I took the time to read her name tag.

"Jeffrey can you help Ms. Lane up to her room?"

"I'd be delighted. Right this way Ms. Lane." I followed Jeffery over to the elevator so we could head upstairs. I was on the 14th floor and my room was at the end of the hall.

Jeffery unlocked my room and stepped aside to let me step inside. I had a small kitchen and living room area. I walked further back and opened the door to the bedroom with a king size bed.

"Where would you like your bags Ms.Lane?"

I turned back around to look at Jeffery. "Can you place them in the bedroom?"

"Sure thing Miss." Jefferey took my bags into the bedroom and then came back out to the living room. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No Jeffery. You've been wonderful. Here ya go." I handed him a $100 for his tip as well. The look of shock on his face brought me a little joy. I liked helping people.

"Call down if you need anything and I will make sure you get it."

I smiled as he exited my hotel room. He reminded me so much of my grandfather who raised when my parents died in a boating accident. I had been in the boat with them but I was only 4 so I have no memories. But sometimes when I sleep I dream of the accident but I don't know if any of my dream is true.

I decided I would go out and check out my new city but first shower. I walked back into the bedroom to collect the things I needed and headed into the bathroom to shower.

I climbed out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and headed back into the bedroom. I pulled out a simple pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top and sandals. It was summer time so I should be okay.

I called down to the front desk and asked if Levi could bring my car around front. Allison said she would tell him right away. I hang up the phone and grab my purse and room key before heading downstairs.

I walked towards the front door and Jeffery was standing there holding the door open. "Have a good evening Ms. Lane."

"Thank you." I walked through the open door and there was my car waiting for me and a smiling Levi.

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