Say It

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It had been a couple days since my coffee table was set on fire. Intelligence had no leads and there was no sign of force entry. I had been staying with Kelly at Gabby and Matt's place. I really wanted to go home but Kelly kept insisting that I shouldn't.

I was sitting on my bunk when Kelly came into the sleeping quarters. He rarely let me out of his sight. At the firehouse he was a bit more relaxed but he still wasn't far away.

"Hey Kat." Kelly took a seat on my bunk.

I look up from my phone. "Hey Kelly."

"Whatcha up too?"

"Talking to Denise. Scotty's birthday is coming up." I looked back down at my phone and continued to text Denise.

"You going to go back to Houston for it?"

I could feel the tension in the air rising. "Yeah I already cleared it with Chief Boden."

Kelly sighed. "Are you sure going back is a good idea?"

I put my phone down and give Kelly my full attention. "Kelly, I am going to Houston for Scotty's birthday. I am his godmother and I promised him I would be there. I can't live my life in fear. Life is too short."

"We don't even know who is after you. It could be anyone and I just feel like it's stupid to go do something that might get you hurt."

As soon as Kelly said stupid, all I saw was red. I clench my fist together and lock my jaw trying to control my anger. "It's not stupid! I am going to Houston rather you want me too or not. I was hoping you might go with me but I guess not."

Squad 3 Truck 81 ambulance 61 car wreck 61st and Cleveland

Kelly and I run to the squad truck and suited up. We hop in and Tony takes off to the accident. Kelly and I's conversation would have to be finished later.


We are pulling back into 51 after the accident and we are all in good spirits because there was no fatalities and everyone was expected to make it.

I am hanging my jacket up when I hear Kelly say something "Lane my office now."

"Alright lieutenant." Kelly heads inside while I finish getting my turn out gear off.

"Ought oh someone's in trouble."

"Shut it Capp." I playfully hit Capp on the shoulder and then make my way to Kelly's quarters. He is sitting at his desk when I walked in.

"You wanted to see me lieutenant?"

He didn't even look up from his report. "Close the door and the blinds."

"Uh okay?" I close the door and the blinds. I take a seat on his bunk and stared at the back of his head. "What am I in trouble for?"

Kelly turns in his chair so he could face me. "Why are you being so reckless?"

My eyebrows shot up and a confused took over my face. "Excuse me?"

"Your going back to Houston when there is possibly someone out there trying to kill you."

I grit my teeth together before responding. "We don't know if that was even their intentions! They set some pictures on fire no big deal."

"no big deal?" Now it was Kelly's turn to be shocked. "Someone got into your house and purposely set a fire on your coffee table with pictures of you! Why are you like this?" Kelly gestures to me.

I shove my shaking hands inside my jacket pocket. "Because life is to damn short to be living in fear! If this person takes me out then so be it. I want to be happy and enjoy life and not let someone dictate what I do!"

I'm sure by now most of the firehouse could hear us arguing and was probably be eavesdropping. I get up from Kelly's bunk but just as I reach the door, Kelly spins me around and pins me to the door.

"Damnit Kat! I don't want to lose you! I care about you to much for that!"

We stare into each other's eyes, Kelly had my hands slightly pinned above my head. My chest is falling and rising as I try to calm down but that was almost impossible with Kelly this close.

"Permission to leave shift Lieutenant?" I wanted out of this firehouse as quickly as I could. I didn't want to play 100 questions with the rest of the crew. And if I don't go I may jump Kelly and then our secret would be out.

Kelly examined my face. Going from my eyes down to my lips and back up to my eyes. I could tell he wanted to kiss me so bad and take me right here but he knew we couldn't. He very reluctantly let me go. "Permission granted."

Kelly release my hands and takes a step back. "Thank you." I straighten out my shirt and leave Kelly's office as quickly as possible. In the distance I could hear Kelly kicking his chair against the wall.

If I go back all I am going to do is rip his clothes off and that wouldn't be a good thing. I quickly change and head home.


No ones POV

After Kat had left Kelly's office, Casey made his way over to check on him.

"Severide you good?"

"I don't know, Casey."

Matt stepped into Kelly's office closing the door behind him. "What happened?"

Kelly pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to collect his thoughts. "Before our last call Kat informed me she was going back to Houston for Scotty's birthday. I told her it was a bad idea considering everything that was going on."

"I can see both sides of the argument but Kelly she is not a child. She can make her own decision. If she wants to go to Houston then let her. She's going to go no matter what any of us say."

"That's not all Matt." Kelly took a seat on his bunk and Casey leaned on Kelly's desk.

"What is it Severide?" Matt was watching his friend closely preparing for whatever he was about to tell him.

"I almost told her that I love her." Kelly placed his head in his hands stewing over what just happened.

Matt was a bit surprised because the Kelly Severide he new never said that he loved them. "Why didn't you?"

Kelly groans. "It's too soon. We just started seeing each other."

"Kelly when you love someone you love them. No matter how much time has passed."

Squad 3 Truck 81 Ambulance 61 Person trapped 39th Boulevard

The guys head for the rigs and suit up. Kelly had an idea but it would have to wait till after the call.

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