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I had made it through my first shift at 51. Our first call was rough and made me question what I was doing but after that it felt like riding a bike. Kelly and I had managed to remain professional the whole shift which was hard but great.

I pulled into my drive, opening the garage door parking my mustang inside. Kelly didn't even bother parking over at Matt and Gabby's, he just parked in my driveway next to the jeep.

We headed inside, dropping our bags by the door and made our way to the couch. We both collapsed down into the cushions trying to decompress. "Is it always that busy?"

"No. Something must of been in the air last night."

"Good because if you said yes I may have quit." We both laugh. "I want to go lay down in bed but that involves climbing stairs."

"I can fix that." And before I knew it Kelly had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.  I began to giggle as we made our way upstairs where he put me down on my bed.

"You didn't have to do that." I giggle as I watch him take off his boots.

"I know but it's easier to cuddle up here."

I smile and kick off my boots. We both slip off our pants and Kelly takes his shirt off before we climb under the covers and begin to cuddle. I could feel his body meshing perfectly with mine as if we were made for each other.

We both drifted off too sleep.


I was woken up to the smell of smoke, But surely not. I open my eyes and sniff the air and it was my worst fear. Something was on fire. I quickly shake Kelly.

"Kelly Wake up." I was becoming more panicked with each passing second. "Kelly!"

"Huh what?" But before I could answer Kelly smelled the smoke as well. We both jump up and ran downstairs. My coffee table in the living room was on fire.

"Extinguisher under kitchen sink!" Kelly runs into the kitchen and I grab a blanket and tried to snuff the fire out. Kelly came running into the living room helped me put the fire out with the extinguisher.

Once the fire was out and our breathing had turned back to normal. "How the hell did this happen?"

"I don't know Kat. But don't touch anything. I'm calling arson and CPD." I followed Kelly back upstairs so he could retrieve his phone.

I watch as he is scrolling through his contacts. "Someone else was in my house." The reality of the fire started to hit me and I began breathing heavy and it felt like as if my heart was going to explode.

Kelly threw his phone down on the bed and moved quickly to wrap me in a hug. I feel my body starting to shake and uncontrollable tears streaming down my face.

"Kat. It is all going to be okay. I promise." Kelly placed a kiss to the top of my head. "I've got you. I will catch you." After I calmed down a bit, Kelly pulled back from our hug so he could look into my eyes, his arms still wrapped loosely around my body. "Let's get dressed and go over to Matt and Gabby's. I'll handle this."

I nod my head and then head to retrieve a change of clothes. I pull on a pair of leggings, oversized sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. I wanted to speak but my mouth wouldn't let me. I was still in shock.

Kelly got dressed and grab our phones and led me over to Matt and Gabby's. Kelly opened their front door and led me inside. "Casey? Dawson?"

"Living room!" I hear Gabby's voice shout out. Kelly led me to their living room and sat me down on the loveseat. Both of them started staring at me. "What happened?"

I couldn't speak and Kelly knew that. "We woke up to smoke. Went downstairs and her coffee table was on fire. We put it out but we don't know how it started."

Matt looked at Kelly all confused. "How is that possible?"

"We don't know. Someone had to of gotten in and done it. I was getting ready to call Jay and arson to see if they can find anything."

"Let's go take a look Kelly. Gabby can you sit with Kat?"

"Of course. Let me know if I can help."

"We will." Matt and Kelly head back over to my place to start looking around.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and put myself  in the corner of the loveseat. I watched as Gabby got up from her seat and came over to sit next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and I leaned into her.

It felt as if someone had violated me. They got into my house. They got into my safe space and now I don't feel safe at all.

No Ones POV

Kelly and Matt enter Kat's house and Kelly led Matt into the living room where the coffee table was. Matt began to examine the table while Kelly called arson and then Jay.

A short while later arson and intelligence were on scene and looking over the table. Hank Voight looked at his team and gave out his orders. "Ruzek and Atwater start looking for points of entry. Erin and Jay head over to Matt's to talk to Kat. Dawson and AL scope the neighborhood and see if there are any camera's." The intelligence team followed their sergeants orders.

Arson was looking over the table and trying to figure out how this had happened. "What is it Duffy?" Kelly bent down next to him.

"It appears this fire was started by using pictures and gasoline. The pictures are too badly burnt for me to tell who was in  them. Maybe someone in the crime lab can help."

Kelly stood back up, a million thoughts running through his head. How could someone of gotten in? Why did neither of them hear whoever it was? As Kat's boyfriend, Kelly felt like he had failed at protecting Kat. His girl.

Duffy stood back up to look at Kelly. Duffy could tell this was not where Kelly needed to be. "Severide go back over to Kat. We got this here." Kelly nodded his head.

Matt and Kelly headed back across the street. Letting arson and intelligence due their job.

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