Moving Day

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I can't believe 6 months has gone by and we were finally moving into the new house. Scotty was doing wonderful in Chicago and was loving his new school and making tons of new friends.

Kelly and I were solid and I was falling for him more and more every day I spent with him. Him, Scotty, and 51 were all the family I had left.

I was scrolling through the pictures on my phone looking at all the great memories I had made since bringing Scotty back to Chicago. Cindy Hermann and her kids had taken him under their wing when Kelly and I were working.

The sound of footstep caused me to look up from my phone. I see a sleepy shirtless Kelly walking down the stairs. He began to rub his eyes. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah just to excited to sleep."

Kelly came over and sat down next to me on the couch. He then pulled me into his lap. "I know babe but we all know what happens when you don't sleep."

"Oh and what exactly happens Kelly Severide?" I acted as if I was offended.

The look of panic came across Kelly's face as he tried to come up with something to say. "Well...uh...uh you... you become a little irritable."

I try to contain my laughter when he was stumbling over his own words. "Oh is that all?" I bash my eyelashes at him.

"yep that's all." Kelly displays a tight lipped smile. "Come on let's go to bed. Big day tomorrow."

"Alright I guess." I stand up allowing Kelly to get up so we can head upstairs. As we reach the bottom of the stairs Kelly picks me up and throws me over his shoulder causing me to start laughing.

"Shhhh don't wake Scotty."

"If he wakes up it's all your fault, Kelly Severide."

Kelly carry's me into our room and pushes the door closed with his foot before dropping me onto the bed. He then crawls on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.

I look up into his blue eyes and feel safe. I know Kelly would do everything he could to protect both Scotty and me. "I love you, Kelly."

There was the mesmerizing Kelly smile. "I love you too, Kat." He then lowered his face down closer to mine, making our lips connect in the most loving kiss that we had ever shared.

We spent the rest of night tangled in each other's arms.


Beep Beep

I groaned as the annoying sound of my alarm started going off. I feel around till I find my phone silencing the alarm. I open my eyes and stare up at the ceiling trying to get awake.

Today was the day and I couldn't be more happier. The Hermann's had offered to watch Scotty while Kelly and me handled the movers. I roll over in Kellys arms and stare up at his peaceful face. I laid there for a moment taking everything in as I knew once we got up today was going to be extremely busy.

"Kelly?" I gently rub his chest.


"It's time to get up lots to do." I watched as he blinked his eyes a few times trying to get awake. "Busy day ahead of us."

I felt Kelly squeeze my body closer to his and place a kiss to my forehead. "That it is."

"I'm going to go shower."

"Alright babe. I'll get Scotty up and make sure he is packed for the Hermann's."

"Thanks babe." I kissed his cheek and then got up and headed for the bathroom. I stopped right at the bathroom door to turn around and look back at him. He was scrolling through his phone and I couldn't help but smile, completely happy for the first time in a long time.

I headed into the bathroom closing the door.


I had taken my shower, Kelly had gotten Scotty up and ready and out the door. The Hermann's were keeping him overnight so Kelly and I could do any unpacking we needed and set things up for tomorrow nights house warming party.

Kelly took his shower and the movers arrived soon after. That was when chaos ensued. Boxes everywhere. People everywhere. And me stressed out. Kelly did his best to keep me calm but it didn't really work.

I was just glad when I fell into our bed later that night and everything was done. I curled into Kelly and we fell asleep right away.


Next Morning

Kelly and I were in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking about setting up for the house warming party.

"So we need to go pickup the food around 1..." I stopped talking as I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at Kelly confused as no one was suppose to be over till later. "Did you invite anyone over early?"

Kelly just shook his head no. We both headed towards the front door. I could feel my heart racing as I feared maybe it was Alyssa but why would she ring the doorbell.

Much to my relief when I opened the door their stood Gabby, Sylvie, and Stella. "Hey guys what are you doing here already?"

"I invited them." I turned around to look at Kelly as I was now very confused. "Your going to go have a girls day."


Kelly cut me off "I'll handle getting the house ready. The guys are coming over in a bit to help me." Kelly walked closer to me rest both of his hands on my shoulders. "I've got this. Go relax."

If I wasn't already completely in love with this man I sure was now. "Okay but call me if you need anything."

"I will now go." Kelly handed my purse as the girls grabbed my arm and dragged to Sylvie's car. All of them giggling and laughing.


The girls and I had spent the afternoon shopping, getting our nails done, lunch and gossiping. Stella was telling us all about the guy she was dating who was apart of hazmat. It was finally time to head home.

We running late because Sylvie took a wrong turn so by the time we arrived everybody else was already there.

"Sylvie I said go right not left the GPS was wrong." I get out of her car annoyed by the whole situation.

"I'm sorry Kat I couldn't hear you over these two giggling in the backseat."

Stella and Gabby tried to act all innocent like they did nothing wrong. I grabbed my bags from the trunk of the car and we headed inside.

I opened the door and noticed on a few lights were on. I felt something under my feet so I look down to see rose petals. I stop and look back at girls who were smiling.

Gabby took my bags and ushered me to keep going. I followed the trail of rose petals all the way to the back door. I opened the door and noticed all of our friends and family where there. They were all holding a candle and smiling.

I could already feel the tears forming in my eyes as I continued to follow the rose petals. As I got closer to the end I noticed an archway where Kelly and Scotty both stood.

Kelly had the biggest smile on his face as I walked closer. When I finally reached him, I stopped and stood in front of him. "Kelly?"

He took both of my hands in his and locked eyes with me. "Katherine you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. You make my world a brighter place and truly believe Shay and Luke brought us together."

Here comes the water works.

"Seeing you be a mother to Scotty and doing everything you can for everyone else before yourself, makes me love you even more. I know we haven't been together very long but I've know since day one."

Kelly reaches back and Scotty hands him something. I watched as Kelly got down on one knee and opened the box. My hands flew up to mouth as I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Katherine Grace Lane will you marry me?"

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