Upside Down

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Tony pulled into a parking spot and I looked at him curiously. "Why are we here?" We were parked in front of one of the hospitals here in Houston.

"You'll see. Follow me." Tony got out of the car and we followed suit.

We were a couple steps behind Tony as he led us through the hospital finally stoping in the ICU unit. It still smelled the same and had that feeling of death in the air. We passed by one of the rooms and I get an instant flashback.


I was sitting next to my grandfathers bedside. His heart was giving out and he refused a transplant. His exact words were I've lived a good long life. Let someone else get that chance.

I was texting Luke when my grandfather started to stir. I put my phone in my pocket. "Grandpa?" I took hold of his hand and squeezed.

"Kitten, marry Luke. He's a great man and will take care of you." I was a bit shocked because Luke and I had only been dating for 6 months.

"Do you think he's right for me?"My grandfather was a good judge of character. He could read anyone in seconds and know their intentions.

"I do sweetheart. He takes such good care of you."

I smiled and tried to hold in my tears. "If he asks me I'll say yes. I promise."

"Thank you Kitten. Remember I am always with you."

"I know Grandpa. I love you." The first few tears slipped down my face as he squeezed my hand.

"I love you too Kitten." This would be the last time I got to see my grandfathers eyes. They closed slowly and his grip on my hand became limp. A nurse came in when there was a straight line on his heart monitor. He had signed a DNR so no heroic measures were to be taken.

I watched her closely as she listened to my grandfathers heart. "I'm sorry Katherine he's gone."

I nodded my head and she left the room. Leaving me alone to sit with my grandpa for a while longer.

End Flashback

It was the room my grandfather had been in when he passed. The man who made sure I was always happy and took care of me. I wiped away a single tear and continued to follow Tony.

We reached a room and Tony slides the door open. The first thing I notice is hearing the machines going as they were trying to save someone. I stepped inside and got a look at who we were seeing.

I gasped and hurried over to the bedside. "Scotty?" I placed one of my hands on his cheek. He had a machine that was breathing for him, his arms were bandaged up from my guess were burns.

"Arson is investigating the fire at Denise and Allen's place. All I know is the fire started in the master bedroom. Scott must of woken up and tried to make his way outside. But passed out from smoke inhalation. He suffered minimal burns."

I didn't take my eyes off Scotty for one second. "Is he going to make it?"

"The last I was told they are not sure yet. But they are very hopeful." A silence fell over us as I sat on the edge of Scotty's hospital bed. Hoping that he would wake up and everything would be okay.

Well as okay as he could be considering his parents are gone. Losing Allen meant Mike was the only one left besides me in our little group. Would we all have to be dead before this would end?


It was a few hours before a doctor came in to talk to us about Scotty's condition. I was sitting in a chair next to Scotty's bed, holding his hand.

"Hello I'm Doctor Taylor."

I looked over saw what I would consider a relatively young doctor. I almost questioned if he was out of med school yet. "Hello."

"Are you Katherine Lane?"

"Yes I am."

He started to scroll through what I'm guessing was Scotty's chart. "According to legal documents you are now Scotty's guardian since both of his parents have passed."

I took in a sharp breath almost forgetting that Scotty was to be in my care just in case something happened. I never thought in a million years it would happen. "When can he be moved to Chicago?"

Dr. Taylor looked at me curiously. "Well uh... he needs to be able to breath on his own and his burns will need to be covered and healed a bit more."

I looked at the doctor pointedly. "Give me a time frame."

"Well if he keeps moving in the direction he is I'd say maybe 3 weeks at the earliest."I nodded my head

"You do whatever you have to do to make sure this little boy wakes up. He didn't deserve this. He's an innocent child."

"Yes ma'am. We will do what we can."

"Thank you." The doctor said goodbye before leaving Scotty's hospital room.

After the doctor left Tony came to stand by me. "Taylor are you sure it's a good idea moving him to Chicago?"

My head snapped to look at Tony. "Going to Chicago is what helped me heal. Not being around constant reminders of our lost love ones. Having a fresh start."

"alright if that's what you think is best."

"It is." I went back to watching Scotty telling myself that he was only sleeping and that he would be okay.

Tony excused himself as he was needed on a case. Kelly had been quiet the entire time and just stayed in the background. But then it dawned on me, he didn't signup for this.


I heard some feet shuffle and then I felt Kelly's hands on my shoulders. "I'm here hun."

I closed my eyes as what I was about to say was going to hurt. I didn't want to lose him but I wasn't going to make him stay if he didn't want too. "But you don't have to be."

"What do you mean Kat?" I could hear the confusion in his voice along with some pain.

"You didn't signup for this." I motion between Scotty and me. "You didn't signup to be apart of Scotty's life as a potential parent in the future."

Kelly leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I signed up to be with you no matter what that meant. If Scotty is part of your life then he is part of mine. I love you Kat and none of this has changed that."

Kelly places a kiss to the top of my head and I feel myself instantly crumble. I lay my head on Scotty's bed and start crying. None of this should be happening. My best friends shouldn't be dead. Scotty should still have his parents.

Kelly picked me up so he could sit down and placed me in his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and continued crying. His arms were wrapped around me trying to hold my pieces together.

None of this should have happened.

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