Close Call

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No Ones POV

Brett was driving to med to get the young girl the help she needed. Dawson was in back looking over the patient. Suddenly the patients heart stopped.

"Brett step on it!" Dawson started to do CPR.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Brett pushed the pedal as hard as she could.

Dawson looks at the monitor and sees the girl has gone into asystole. "Damnit!"

Brett heard Dawson shout from the back. "Talk to end Dawson?!"

"Asystole!" Dawson sat back down knowing the girl wasn't coming back.

Brett was shock. The girl seemed to be fine at the scene. "How? She was stable when we got her loaded up?"

"I don't know Brett!" Dawson started searching the girls pockets and that's when she found a shredded bag with what looked like white residue. "Shit. I think she was on something! Possibly fentanyl!"

Brett's eyes got wide. "Dawson put that bag down! And tear off your gloves! That shit is dangerous and the littlest amount could cause you too OD!"

Dawson quickly grabbed a hazard bag and through her gloves and the little baggie into the bag and tied it off. "Secured!"

"Good!" It then hit Brett that Katherine may have transfer on her she quickly grabbed her radio. "Squad 3 this is 61 do you copy?"

Kelly's POV

I heard Brett's voice come over the radio. I grab the mic "Go for squad 3."

"Patient from the accident went into Asystole. We believe from a fentanyl Overdose. Can you call Katherine?"

Shit. "On it. " I pulled out my phone and called Kats number praying she would answer. But I got nothing. "Cruz turn us around." My palms started sweating as my nerves were on high alert.

"You got it Lieutenant." Cruz turned squad 3 around and we head back towards the accident.

I quickly grabbed the radio again thinking that if she has transfer on her she may of already wrecked. "Squad 3 to Main."

"Go ahead squad 3"

"Have there been any new accidents reported near our last call?"

The moment of silence was killing me. But I knew they were checking. "Yes. At broadway and 13th."

"Show squad 3 in route. Please be advised victim may be suffering from a fentanyl over dose due to our last victim having it on them."

"Copy squad 3"

I flipped on the lights and Cruz sped off towards the new accident. When we arrived on scene I saw Kat's Mustang, the front end was all smashed. I saw squad 6 was on scene and has already gotten her out.

Cruz parks squad and I jump out and run over to the stretcher Kat is on. Chout has already given her narcan to help counter act the overdose.

"How is she?"

"Thanks to your tip she should be just fine." Chout said as I watched them load her up.

I was standing at the back of the open ambulance doors. "You taking her to Chicago med?"


"Alright. Squad 3 will be following." Chout gave me this weird look but I closed the ambulance doors giving it a couple taps so his partner knew it was okay to go. They take off and I head back to squad 3 and hop back into my seat. "Go to Chicago med."

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