Arson Investigation

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2 Weeks Later

I was sitting in Scotty's room holding a coffee cup and watching him sleep. He still hadn't woken up and the doctors are not sure why. Kelly had to go back to Chicago as he had no more time off.

A knock at the hospital door caught my attention, I lookup and see Lewis and Samantha. They were the arson investigation team assigned to Allen and Denise's fire. "Hey guys."

"Hey Katherine." They stepped into Scotty's room and closed the door behind them. They both walked up to the end of Scotty's hospital bed. "No change?"

I look from Scotty to them and shake my head. It broke my heart not knowing what was going to happen to him. "No unfortunately. The neurologist has run some scans too see if there is something wrong."

I watched as they both exchanged a look before Samantha started talking. "Kat we have concluded our investigation." I felt a pain in my heart. She started to stutter trying to give me the news.

Lewis realized Sam couldn't say it so he stepped forward. "We can't find any signs of arson." I felt my blood boil and rage course through me.

"What?" I looked directly at Lewis, who had been on truck when I was a candidate. I only worked with him a few short months before he transferred to AI.

"Katherine I'm sorry. We couldn't find anything." Had I of not been so angry I may of noticed how sorry they were.

I quickly stand up sending my chair cashing back against the wall. "Bullshit! There has to be something! Someone caused that fire!"

"Kat we are truly sorry."

"Get out."


"I said get out!" Lewis and Samantha quietly backed up and left Scotty's hospital room. How was I suppose to tell him his parents died and we don't know who caused the fire?

I picked my chair backup and sat back down. I held my head in my hands as I began to cry again. Almost wishing Alyssa would hurry up and do whatever it was so maybe I could stop hurting. Stop crying.


Kelly's POV

I was finishing up my last report for this shift when there was a knock at my office door. I looked over and spotted Casey. I motioned for him to come in and went back to my report.

"What's up Casey?"

"You coming to Molly's tonight?"

"Uh yeah. I probably won't stay out too late. Kat asked me to be there tomorrow when the inspection on the new house is being done."

"Sounds good man. Want me to come with?"

"That would be great Casey. I know Kat was going to call you if things needed to be fixed."

"You got it man. See you tonight."

"See ya." Casey left my office closing the door behind him. I looked out just as he reached Dawson and draped his arm over her shoulder. There was a time I thought I would never find what they had. Then Kat walked into Molly's that night and I was star struck.

The two of them left the bunk room and I quickly finished my report before heading out. I was staying at Kat's place, well really I had moved in completely. None of my stuff was at Casey's and Dawson's.

I tried texting and calling Kat but she didn't respond. She had texted me earlier this morning about Scotty going in for some scans. "Hey Babe, I was calling to see how Scotty's scans went. Call me back when you can. Love you."

I laid my phone on the nightstand and laid down. I had a few hours till I would head to Molly's so might as well get some sleep while I can. I made sure my phone volume was up just in case Kat called. I closed my eyes and went to see.


The warm air of Molly's hit me as I pushed the door open. "Hey Severide."

"Hey Hermann."


"Yes please."

"You got it."

I made my way over to the table where Casey and Dawson were sitting. "Hey guys."

"Hey Severide."

I took a seat and Hermann brought my beer over. I took a sip before sitting my glass back down. I looked behind the bar and saw Kidd working. "She works here now?"

Dawson followed my gaze "Yeah. We needed the help and she needed some extra cash."

"What happened to Nicole?"

"She quit and moved to Florida with her boyfriend." I nodded my head as I remember Nicole mentioning that the last time I was here.

I sat and chatted with them for a bit talking about the new house, how Kat and Scotty were, and some of Gabby's frequent callers.

"Don't look now Severide but her comes Kidd."

I groaned. She hadn't left me alone since I came back and Kat wasn't with me. I made sure to talk about Kat as much as possible when she was around.

"Hey Kelly. You need another beer?"

"No thanks Kidd. I have a house inspection in the morning."

"Oh really?" She got this weird twinkle in her eye. Pretty sure she thought I was leaving Kat.

"Yeah Kat and me are looking at a house outside the city a bit." And just like that twinkle was gone. My phone started to ring and I looked to see it was Kat.

I quickly excused myself and stepped outside. "Hey baby. how are you doing?"

"Kelly?" I could hear the pain in her voice and it broke my heart. I wish I was there with her so I could hug her. Try to take some of that pain away.

"what happened babe?"

"AI couldn't find any signs of arson. They closed the case." The sounds of her sobs filled my ears and it broke me even more.

"I'm getting on the next flight to Houston."


"Babe no. Boden will understand and Casey will handle the house inspection. Call AI and tell them to not tear anything down yet. I want to look at it myself. I'll find out what happened."

"Thanks Kelly."

"I'd do anything for you Kat. I love you. See you soon."

"Love you too. See you soon."

We said goodbye and I headed back into Molly's to tell Casey and Dawson what was going on. They both happily said they would go to the inspection. I said my goodbyes and headed home to pack a bag and book my flight.

I would find what AI missed. There is no way this was an accident not with everything else that has happened.  I packed my bag and headed to the airport. Scotty needs justice for his parents and I was going to help him get it.

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